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Doctor shares 3 period symptoms you should ‘never ignore’ as they could signify a deeper issue

thefocus.news 2 days ago

From cramps to tiredness and mood swings, periods bring all kinds of unpleasant symptoms, but some of them aren’t normal.

A doctor has shared three symptoms you should “never ignore” during your time of the month as they could signify a more serious issue.

Portrait of a sad crying woman lying on bed. Mental health, depression, and sorrow experienced by women.
Portrait of a sad crying woman lying on bed. Mental health, depression, and sorrow experienced by women.

3 period symptoms you should ‘never ignore’

NHS General Practitioner Dr. Raj Arora took to TikTok to advise women about their menstrual cycle symptoms.

“As a GP I often tell my patients that periods are a normal part of life and they should be generally pain-free and manageable,” she said.

“If you are suffering from awful periods, periods are stopping you from getting on with your life or periods are making you feel like something isn’t right, you must go and see your doctor.”

1. Sharp pain in your behind

The first period symptom you should not ignore is sharp, shooting pain in your behind that “stops you in your tracks”.

It could be a sign of endometriosis, the GP explained, and you must speak to your doctor if you are experiencing this.

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows in other areas, like the ovaries and fallopian tubes, the NHS explains.

It can affect women of any age and some symptoms include pain in your lower tummy or back, painful period cramps, feeling sick, constipation and diarrhoea.

2. Passing out or fainting

Next up, if you are passing out or fainting while on your period, that’s not normal either and you should see a doctor.

Even if it’s just a bit of lightheadedness or you feel like you might black out, it’s really important to seek help.

This is usually a sign that you’re having really heavy periods and losing more blood than you should be, which could require treatment.

It can be normal to have heavy periods, but doctors can prescribe medication if it is affecting your daily life and wellbeing.

3. Debilitating periods

Finally, if you have periods that are so debilitating you can’t get out of bed, this shouldn’t be ignored either, the doctor continued.

If you struggle to go to work, school or get on with your daily activities during your period, this is not normal.

Speak to a medical professional to find out why you are experiencing these symptoms, as it could be a sign of something more serious.

Some conditions affecting your reproductive system include polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease.

You should never just “put up” with any extreme period symptoms.

Dr. Raj Arora is a General Practitioner in the NHS, who gained her medical degree from Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

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