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Sunday Musings: A Day Will Never Come When I Will Need You? BY AGBA JALINGO

crossriverwatch.com 2024/10/5

I imagine that I released a footage here where I was addressing members of my small organization, CrossRiverWatch, that, “a day will never come when I will need you. You need me. If you don’t want to dry up, you need me for your race.” I imagine the kind of bashing I will receive. Even my most loyal followers will deny me. Yet people are in my inbox telling me that a very very prominent man of God who said the same was right and I need spiritual ears to understand the meaning.

Bishop Oyedepo is a very very influential man. A great entrepreneur, an educationist with two universities and a world class high school, an orator, airline owner, and a leader of men and women who has influenced lives across the entire globe, including mine. I have read more than 50 of his books and listened to hundreds of his messages.

I only wonder how we have successfully elevated them to infallibility. Just how did we arrive at that point? The only person who deserves that place of infallibility is GOD. There is no man born of a woman, living on this earth, no matter how highly placed, how highly venerated, how highly influential, how highly anointed, how highly blessed, how highly evolved, that is infallible. Flesh is sin. There is no perfection in mortality. To live in flesh and on Earth, you need sin. Like going to space; you must wear a space jacket until you return. Even Christ had to become SIN, so he can live amongst men.

It is a thing of great baffle that some human beings can hold a grip on our lives so much so that we actually conclude that they have become incapable of uttering bull-dung, or committing mendacity or have their brief moments of brain wave. However be it, no matter how tenaciously you believe that lie, it doesn’t make it true. This erroneous assumption about these personalities has left a large number of our population to the vagaries of manipulation and exploitation in the name of loyalty to a cause.

From the man who sweeps the church floor, to the one who opens the gate, to the one who clears the parking lots, to the choristers, to the instrumentalists, to the technicians, to everyone who pays transport to come and sit and watch you preach, everyone of us needs everyone to be able to shine that shine that makes us feel like we have become the Sun.

Any spirit that is beginning to assume in us that a day will never come when we will need our disciples is a conceited spirit that should be rebuked. Even far worse is the fact that, because you have submitted to the whims of such subliminal control, you want others to zip their mouths too and kow-tow, lest they be called deviants.

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