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16 Designers Who Need To Lose Their Job For Designing Something So Idiotically Dangerous

buzzfeed.com 2024/10/5

Making an arthritis cream container hard to open is just cruel.

1. These basketball hoops that are placed right behind dips in the ground create the perfect setup for a twisted ankle:

2. This fire emergency sign that's nearly impossible to read:

3. This slide that will shoot a child directly into cement:

4. This tricky lift-and-peel layer on arthritis cream:

A hand holds an opened container of Blu Lizard Australian Sunscreen with a partially peeled foil seal

5. These swings that were positioned in front of each other instead of beside each other:

Two old swing seats hanging from chains on a wooden frame in an overgrown backyard with weathered tiles and grass

6. This pole that was placed on the street instead of the sidewalk:

Utility pole on a street with trees and a metal fence in the background

7. This urinal that's placed right in the bathroom door's swing range:

A urinal partially obstructed by a stall door in a restroom

8. This changing board that's place right next to wear the bathroom door can swing open:

Image of a Koala Kare baby changing station next to a wooden door in a restroom

9. These duplicate elevator buttons where one set is only supposed to be used for emergency:

Elevator control panel with 15 buttons, including a "Fire Fighting Only" sign, emergency call button, and floor numbers; buttons are arranged in a vertical grid

10. This safe in a hotel room that's bolted to a removable drawer:

A hotel safe is pulled out of a drawer, revealing the inside of the drawer beneath it. The safe has a digital keypad on top

11. This bedframe that'll surely be the cause of many stubbed toes:

A bed in disrepair with a visibly bent and damaged bed frame leg, captured in a room with wooden flooring

12. This hidden staircase that's a lawsuit waiting to happen:

Empty concrete stage with four tall columns, metal railings, and surrounding trees in a park at night

13. These abstract, confusing bathroom signs:

Bathroom signs featuring minimalist stick figures, one with pants and the other with a skirt, against black circular backgrounds

14. This randomly elevated parking spot that you better drive over veryyy carefully:

A photo of an empty, curved brick parking space near a street, with a black car parked in the adjacent space

15. These virtually pointless stall doors in a public bathroom:

Bathroom stall with a door cut to fit around a high toilet paper dispenser, revealing the lack of privacy

16. And lastly, this curb with a little step that's perfect for slipping on:

A parking lot curb with uneven pavement, possibly hazardous for pedestrians or vehicles
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