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Just in: Emechebe explains why ASPMDA wasn’t flooded (Video)

businesshilights.com.ng 4 days ago
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The President of the Auto Spare Parts & Machinery Dealers Association (ASPMDA), Lagos International Trade Fair complex, Hon. Ngozi Emechebe has opened up on why upon the massive flooding that swept across Lagos State and the complex on Wednesday, ASPMDA was not water-logged.

Speaking in an interview on Thursday morning, he averred that “ASPMDA has a structured maintenance system on flood management which I started immediately I was sworn in last year.

“At inception, research made us to understand that flooding in ASPMDA and Trade Fair in general is due to blocked drainage system and blocked outlets.

“So, last year, I contracted Bulldozer and dredgers to dredge the canal serving ASPMDA from our plaza to DSS compound down to Omonile so that floods will have a free way to go out of ASPMDA.

“This year, we continued to maintain the dredged canal from time to time making sure that all drainage in ASPMDA is regularly cleaned. This was why ASPMDA was free from Wednesday’s flooding.

Continuing, Hon. Emechebe noted that “I was personally here that yesterday to see things myself and that was why I confirmed to you that ASPMDA was free.

“My administration will continue to maintain the drainage system from time to time to sustain the flood-freeness of our business premises,” he concluded.

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