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Early Strain, Later Drain: How 20s Health Impacts 40s Cognition

medindia.net 2 days ago

Early Adulthood Health and Cognitive Skills in Midlife

Early Strain, Later Drain: How 20s Health Impacts 40s Cognition
A new study indicates that higher inflammation levels in young adulthood, often linked to factors like obesity, physical inactivity, chronic illness, stress, and smoking, correlate with lower cognitive performance in midlife. (


Researchers previously linked higher inflammation in older adults to dementia, but this is one of the first studies to connect inflammation in early adulthood with lower cognitive abilities in midlife.

Inflammation is the response of living tissue to injury due to a variety of causes that call upon host defenses to eliminate the offending agent.

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“We know from long-term studies that brain changes leading to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias may take decades to develop,” said first author Amber Bahorik, PhD, of the UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Weill Institute for Neurosciences. “We wanted to see if health and lifestyle habits in early adulthood may play a part in cognitive skills in midlife, which in turn may influence the likelihood of dementia in later life.”

In their study, published in Neurology, researchers found that only 10% of those with low inflammation performed poorly on testing of processing speed and memory, compared to 21% and 19%, respectively, of those with either moderate or higher levels of inflammation.

When researchers adjusted for factors like age, physical activity and total cholesterol, disparities remained in processing speed; and the researchers also found differences in executive functioning, which includes working memory, problem solving and impulse control.

Test Your Knowledge on Inflammation
We are uncomfortable when there is a skin injury or an insect bite and we notice the area becomes swollen, red, itchy and painful. These changes are part of the inflammatory response occurring to protect the body against or limit damage due to the ...

The study followed 2,364 adults in the CARDIA study, which aims to identify the factors in young adulthood that lead to cardiovascular disease two-to-three decades later.

Participants were 18 to 30 years old when they entered the study and were tested four times over an 18-year period for the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP). They took the cognitive tests five years after their last CRP measurement, by which time most participants were in their forties and fifties.

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About half the participants were female; a little under half were Black, and the rest were white. Some 45% had lower stable inflammation, while 16% had moderate or increasing inflammation; 39% had higher levels.

“Inflammation plays a significant role in cognitive aging and may begin in early adulthood,” said senior author Kristine Yaffe, MD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, neurology, and epidemiology and biostatistics at UCSF. “There is likely a direct and indirect effect of inflammation on cognition.”

Test Your Knowledge on Dementia
Dementia is a leading cause of disability in older people. It is a condition where brain cells are permanently damaged or functionally impaired. Till 2015, about 47.5 million people suffer from dementia across the globe. There are various conditions ...

Yaffe is a member of the first team of experts to determine that 30% of dementia risk is preventable. Her recent research has looked at the association in midlife between fragmented sleep and lower cognition and the effects of personalized health and lifestyle changes in preventing memory loss in higher-risk older adults.

  1. Association of Changes in C-Reactive Protein Level Trajectories Through Early Adulthood With Cognitive Function at Midlife - (https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.0000000000209526)


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