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3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs The Entire Week Of July 8 - 14, 2024

yourtango.com 2024/10/6

Trust yourself and say yes to life.

woman who has the luckiest zodiac sign july 8-14
Mohamed hamdi via Unsplash / NassyArt and Vladlislav_lotenko via Canva

The week of July 8 brings Pallas stationing direct in Scorpio, Venus' return to Leo and the First Quarter Moon in Libra. This is powerful energy meant to have you trust yourself with boldness and courage so that you can start planning your steps forward and fervently say yes to life. 

No matter how slow matters seem to have been progressing recently, it’s important to hold space for redirections and even sudden miracles. When you can trust yourself, believe in the best possible outcome and unequivocally choose yourself and your destiny, you already are blessed with all the luck you will need to make your dreams a reality.

3 luckiest zodiac signs the entire week of July 8 - 14, 2024

1. Sagittarius

Polish off that luggage set, Sagittarius, because you are about to take the trip of a lifetime. Whether or not you actually have travel planned, you are about to set off on a journey when Venus returns to Leo on Thursday, July 11, which will help you to embrace the new opportunities and chapters in your life.

Of course, if you are physically traveling or have been contemplating taking a trip, this is your sign not to hesitate on a new adventure. During this time, connections or experiences you have could lead to even more luck and abundance.

You are a natural seeker, always searching for what seems like the best life. Those new experiences help broaden your horizons and embrace more of what is divinely possible for you. But when Venus returns to Leo, there is also a strong undercurrent of financial abundance, travel, and even relocating for work or simply because your soul has fallen in love with a place.

To embrace the luck that surrounds you this week, the most important aspect is to take a risk and let yourself start enjoying more of life. Change your routine, even if you aren’t getting out of town to try new events. Reconnect with those in your life who always seem to offer a different perspective. 

Let yourself see just how lucky and beautiful life can be when you finally allow the universe to guide your steps.

2. Pisces

Planning isn’t always something that comes naturally for you, but when you do, Pisces, you can move mountains. Dreaming, on the other hand, is so innately ingrained in your psyche you often have a hard time separating what is real from what you have already seen is possible. 

But when these two worlds within yourself collide, magic happens, Pisces. And that is precisely what Pallas stations retrograde in Scorpio will bring on Tuesday, July 9.

Pallas is known as the asteroid that governs wisdom, but in modern astrology, it is also said to represent the mental mind as it helps you with planning, strategizing, and knowing precisely what moves to make to receive the greatest benefit. In Scorpio, Pallas is helping you plan for your dreams and feel more confident in taking the next steps in your life’s journey. 

While you may have to consciously ground yourself and focus on that inner trust, you should feel empowered to take advantage of new opportunities and manifest that dream life you’ve always envisioned.

Try to bring together that planning side of yourself along with what you dream. Start small — whether it’s an important phone call, researching something online, or even booking that trip you’ve been dreaming of, know that the universe is still listening and will respond to your vibration

Mental clarity will finally return and with it, the knowledge that you already have everything you need to create the luck you seek.

3. Aquarius

The lyrics “Slow it down” in the song Angie by the Lumineers come to mind, Aquarius, when thinking about the week of July 8. Slowing it down doesn’t necessarily mean no action or that you have to sit down and wait for luck to find you, but it does ensure you won’t miss a single opportunity on this abundant part of your journey. 

While career changes seem to swirl around you and romance is beckoning you into a transformation phase, you can empower yourself by simply slowing down as the First Quarter Moon in Libra peaks on Saturday, July 13. No matter how others may rush you for an answer or decision — remember that you actually have all the time in the world. Research new options, investigate your intuition, and give yourself time to pause before making any big decisions, especially if it’s about career or love. 

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The First Quarter Moon in Libra is guiding you to plan for the success you want. While it may take you into new territory, the more you can focus on the steps of change that you want to implement, the luckier you will be.

Lay all your options out in front of you, Aquarius. Reflect on what it would mean for one option if you do indeed choose another and be sure that you are also honoring what is of the most value to you. 

Embrace your transformative nature, and if you need to pause, or let someone know that you need time to think or process, then take that opportunity. You carefully planning this next big move in your life is imperative, because it is the start of not just greater luck but abundance as well.

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