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Star Wars: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Ahsoka Tano

screenrant.com 2024/10/5
Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka Tano in the Star Wars franchise
Custom Image by Debanjana Chowdhury


  • For a character as storied in the Star Wars franchise as Ahsoka Tano, there are bound to be a few inconsistencies.
  • Some of Ahsoka's timelines make no sense, from her disappearance during the Skywalker saga trilogies to her year-long gap between The Mandalorian and Ahsoka.
  • Ahsoka's character style and personality has also changed in confusing ways, with neither being particularly consistent.

First introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano is a character with a very long history in the Star Wars franchise. She has appeared in several episodes across six different television series, and she was the main character in The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, and Ahsoka. With so many appearances, a lot of Ahsoka's life has been uncovered, but there is still more to learn about the character.

With so many appearances, there are bound to be a few mistakes and inconsistencies along the line. Some small and some egregious, these inconsistencies appear throughout her many appearances, bringing even more questions to her extensive timeline. These are some of the most interesting, offering more questions about the character than answers.


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10 Ahsoka Waited A Year To Interrogate Morgan Elsbeth

When Ahsoka Tano makes her first live-action appearance in The Mandalorian season 2, it is in an attempt to stop Morgan Elsbeth and her control over the planet Corvus. After receiving help from Din Djarin, Ahsoka made sure that Morgan Elsbeth was captured and sent to the New Republic. She escapes custody in Ahsoka episode 1, leading to the rest of the events that transpire throughout the series.

However, one thing that doesn't quite make sense is that between her capture in The Mandalorian and her appearance in Ahsoka, an entire year has passed. If the timeline is to be believed, she spent an entire year appearing in The Book of Boba Fett, among other things, before starting the quest for Grand Admiral Thrawn that kicks off Ahsoka. One can only wonder why she would choose to wait when the matter seemed so pressing.

9 Ahsoka Did Not Appear In The Sequel Trilogy

Though Her Voice Appeared In The Rise Of Skywalker

If there was ever a trilogy for Ahsoka to appear in, it would have been the sequel trilogy. Ahsoka was already an established character by this time, and it would have made sense for her to want to help save the galaxy again, and since her death has not yet been explored in the franchise, it would have provided the perfect opportunity for her to appear in live-action. This never happened, and her live-action debut would have to wait for her appearance in The Mandalorian.

Despite the fact she does not make an official appearance, Ahsoka's voice can be heard speaking to Rey during her showdown against Darth Sidious. Ahsoka is amongst the voices of the Jedi as Rey becomes the conduit for all the Jedi. One would think this implies she is dead by the time of the sequel trilogy, but showrunners have said that this is not necessarily the case.

8 Her Montrals And Lekku Changed Between Star Wars Rebels And The Mandalorian

They Have Somehow Grown Shorter Since Star Wars Rebels

Although her appearance is inconsistent across each of her appearances, Star Wars has done a good job of showing Ahsoka's aging. They have done this by showing the slow growth of her montrals, the hollow, conical horns on the top of her head that allow her to hear, and her lekku, the tendrils that hang down on the sides and back of her head. As she gets older, these montrals and lekku grow and develop, though this seems to have changed between Star Wars Rebels and The Mandalorian.

When she appears in live-action, her lekku and especially her montrals have somehow shrunk. While this can be chalked up to stylization, it is still an odd choice to change the one thing that has been consistent across each iteration. Regardless, it is unlikely that her design will change again in future live-action appearances.

Live-action Ahsoka Tano, Cad Bane, and Sabine Wren

The list of animated Star Wars characters who have appeared in live-action continues to grow, especially after series like The Mandalorian and Ahsoka.

7 Tales Of The Jedi Made Unnecessary Changes To The Ahsoka Novel

A Queer Story Was Erased From Star Wars Canon

When Tales of the Jedi was created, it made the choice to adapt a story that was first introduced in E. K. Johnston's Ahsoka novel. This story shows Ahsoka's life in the wake of Order 66, living in a farming settlement on the planet of Raada. However, there are some key differences between the show's depiction of events and what happens in the original novel.

One important thing that was erased when bringing the story to television was the inclusion of a queer character named Kaeden Larte. In one of the most important depictions of queer romance yet seen in the Star Wars franchise, Kaeden tells Ahsoka that she wanted her to know she could kiss her, telling her just in case the two of them are going to die. This could have been a defining moment for queer representation in the franchise, as including this for a character as fundamental to the franchise as Ahsoka would be a great step for the series' representation.

6 Ahsoka Is Allowed To Intervene On Onderon

The Jedi Were Not Supposed To Interfere In The Conflict

Beginning with the planet's appearance in The Clone Wars season 5, episode 2 "A War on Two Fronts," the planet of Onderon was embroiled in the Separatist conflict during the Clone Wars. During this time, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano visited the planet in order to provide aid to the native people fighting back against the Separatists. However, the Jedi Council insists that they do not interfere with the conflict, as that is supposedly not the Jedi's place.

While the Jedi in this episode insist they do not engage, Ahsoka specifically is seen fighting alongside the natives of Onderon. She directly engages with Separatist forces, fighting alongside the rest of the troops. No one comments on this and Ahsoka is allowed to carry on helping as she deems fit, not only training but assisting in the battle. Because of this, the definition of what constitutes "interfering" is left unclear.

5 Ahsoka Is Incredibly Strong, Even As A Teenager

She Engages In Battle With Opponents Far Older And More Experienced Than She Is

Ahsoka fights against many different foes throughout The Clone Wars, fighting alone against different adults such as General Grievous as the series progresses. By the time of the Siege of Mandalore, Ahsoka is only 17 years old. Despite her young age, she throws herself into the conflict and fights directly for the liberation of the planet from the clutches of Darth Maul.

During this arc, she engages Darth Maul in direct combat. Not only that, but Ahsoka is incredibly confident as she fights against him. Darth Maul is around 35 years old by this point, having killed Master Qui-Gon Jinn in the years prior. Even so, Ahsoka defeats him in combat, leading to his subsequent capture.

4 She Was Never Mentioned In Revenge Of The Sith Despite Being Anakin’s Padawan

Ahsoka's Character Was Introduced After The Prequel Trilogy

Because Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was released before the conception of Ahsoka's character, it makes sense as to why she was not mentioned in the movie. In fact, upon watching only the movies, it is easy for one to assume that Anakin Skywalker never had a Padawan at all. But when Ahsoka was introduced in The Clone Wars, in retrospect, it made the third movie in the prequel trilogy have one glaring plot hole.

After all, why wouldn't anyone mention Anakin's one-time Padawan? And even more importantly, why would no one mention the way in which she left the Jedi Order? It has since become such a fundamental reason for Anakin's distrust in the Jedi Order that, looking back on it, one would think if Ahsoka had been created at the time, she would have been mentioned. This is changing in the modern era of Star Wars, with flashbacks such as the one seen in Ahsoka filling in the gaps.

Harrison Ford as Han Solo, Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka Tano, and Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in various Star Wars shows and movies

Given her importance to the Rebellion's creation and her role after the Empire's fall, where was Ahsoka Tano during Star Wars' Original Trilogy?

3 Ahsoka Gave Up On Grogu, Citing Jedi Teaching

She Was Tied To Jedi Teaching, Even After Leaving The Jedi Order

When Ahsoka sensed the Force growing in Grogu, she told Din Djarin that he should be trained in the way of the Jedi. She then tells the two to go to Tython, a planet both powerful in the Force and essential to the history of the Jedi. She does mention one thing that seems a bit odd for Ahsoka's character, making the interaction feel a bit off.

Ahsoka tells Din that Grogu holds an attachment to him, and tells him that she will not teach Grogu in the ways of the Force. This is eventually what leads to Grogu being sent to Luke Skywalker for training, but would Ahsoka really deny someone because of their attachments after leaving the Jedi Order for the way they treated her? After all, she goes on to train Sabine Wren, who holds plenty of attachments herself.

2 Ahsoka Disappears After The Battle On Malachor

She Is Not Seen Again Until The Star Wars Rebels Season Finale

For a good while in Star Wars Rebels, the show feels as though it is just as much about Ahsoka as it is about Ezra Bridger. She seems to become the main focus of any scene she's in, dominating the story and continuing on from her time in Star Wars Rebels. This is especially the case on the planet Malachor, where she battles against her old master, who has now become Darth Vader.

After this foundational moment in her story, Ahsoka seems to just disappear. She is not seen again in the show until the very end, coming to take Sabine and supposedly go find Ezra after he and Grand Admiral Thrawn were taken to Peridea. This is in spite of the fact that the Empire is still at large for much of the remaining episodes, meaning that Ahsoka has once again disappeared in the galaxy's time of need.

1 Ahsoka Has Become More Of A Jedi After Leaving The Order

She Has Forgone Attachments And Even Taken A Padawan

When Ahsoka was a part of the Jedi Order, she was still just a young girl. At the time of her trial and then when she leaves the Jedi Order, she is only 17 years old. She was still just as feisty as she always was, showing her dedication to helping others even afterward in situations like that of the Siege of Mandalore, helping there when the Jedi would not.

This is quite different from when she appears in live-action, as somehow, in the time between leaving the Jedi and the modern era, she has become more like a Jedi than ever before. She denounces attachments as seen when she discusses Grogu's training with Din Djarin, and she even takes her own Padawan in Sabine Wren during Ahsoka.Ahsoka Tano has become what the Jedi should have always aspired to be, showing that even in a time after the fall of the Jedi Order, Star Wars still has powerful Jedi to look up to.

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