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The Oldham 'supermum' who has provided a home for hundreds of children

manchestereveningnews.co.uk 1 day ago

'Each child brings something special'

Left to right: Catherine, Karl Catherine’s husband who she fosters with, Linda and Christine

A selfless 'supermum' who has fostered more than 300 children over three decades has told how 'each child brings something special'. Linda Garforth, 66, has been fostering through Oldham Council for 33 years, latterly with the help of her twin daughters.

Her unconditional love has supported hundreds of vulnerable youngsters, providing them with a safe and caring home, and now she's been honoured for her tireless work. Her selfless devotion has inspired not only other foster carers, but her two daughters, Christine and Catherine, who now also foster children.

And Linda has continued to provide care and support for those who need it, alongside raising her own three children, despite starting to lose her eyesight 11 years ago.

The council said she doesn't just offer short-term help, she often cares for children until they grow up and has adopted a child. "It's tough to say goodbye, but it's part of the job," Linda said. "Knowing we've made a positive impact on a child's life makes it all worth it."

Asked about her favourite moments, she said she can't pick just one. "Each child brings something special," Linda added. "Watching them grow and do well under our care is the best part. Despite the challenges, fostering brings so much happiness. Each child is unique, and they all bring something precious into our lives.

"I'll always remember the time a little boy arrived with a huge bag nearly twice the size of him that turned out to be nearly empty, except for a small teddy bear that he gave to me. When he left, we filled that big bag full of clothes and toys as he deserved it. Seeing him blossom under our care was truly heart-warming It's moments like these that make it all worthwhile."

Oldham Council

Fostering, added Linda, has now become a 'family affair'. "We support each other through the highs and lows, creating a supportive and loving home for both the children and us," she said.

"I've been thinking about semi-retiring, but it's not quite working out as I hoped. Honestly, I'm not sure if I could ever fully step away when there are children who need me. I've currently been looking after a baby since they were born, and helping other children who need a break for a few weeks through respite.

"Fostering has become such a big part of my life that I can't imagine saying goodbye to it fully."

"We're really thankful for Linda and her family’s dedication and care," said Nick Whitbread, Assistant Director of Corporate Parenting at the council. "Their selfless actions have made a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children in our community.

For more information, call 0161 770 6600 or visit www.oldham.gov.uk/fostering.

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