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Her Stepsister Has Ignored Her For Years And Never Met Her Kids, So She Decided To Do The Same To Her When She Had A Baby

twistedsifter.com 2024/10/5

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@kellysikkema

It’s that time again, ladies and gents…

Time for another healthy dose of Family Drama, straight from Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page!

Dig in and see what you think about this one!

“My mother met my stepfather and he took me on as his own, they then went on to have my sister (A) a year later.

My mum passed away and my step dad kept me as his daughter and then remarried (B) when my sister was 2.

This has been an ugly situation.

B didn’t like me as I wasn’t my dad’s and look a lot like my mom and eventually talked my dad into kicking me out the house in my mid teens and I went to live with my dad’s sister and her wife before I went off to college.

10 years later I’m married and have two children. When I was pregnant with my first, A was super excited to be an auntie and came to my baby shower and everything. However once my daughter was born she never visited, I offered to go to her, meet her halfway, go do something like coffee date or beach day or something but she was always busy.

Same thing happened with my second daughter, A was a no show. We’d message all the time but when I invited her for birthdays or weekends she’d say she was coming then just not show up.

Enough of that!

Fast forward my children are 8 and 9 years old and have never met their aunt, they don’t actually know anything about her, no how are you texts for about 5 years now as I stopped reaching out because she just kept blowing us off.

My sister had her baby 4 months ago which I found out via Facebook. I didn’t message her because I thought she didn’t want anything to do with my kids why should I bother with hers?

I borrowed something from my dads sister and went to drop it off the other day while the kids were at school. My dad, A and B were there with A’s baby.

I tried to just leave but A cornered me about not congratulating her about the baby or asking how she was doing, and I said why would I you didn’t do it for my kids?

Time for a blow-up!

She blew up at me calling me selfish, I yelled back I don’t make a habit of asking after strangers babies and that’s what she was to me. My dad said that we were sisters and family is supposed to be there for each other.

I’m ashamed to admit I did lose my temper with him and call him a cold hearted ******* and who was he to talk to me about family wearing his No. 1 Grandpa shirt when he had grandchildren he had never acknowledged?

Where I am probably the ******* is this all happened in my aunt’s house and in front of A’s baby who was sleeping at the time but still it’s not ideal to be screaming in front of an infant.

My aunt thinks I was in the right and it was a long time coming but her wife thinks I could’ve used this as an opportunity to reconnect as maybe now A is mature enough to be able to have a relationship with me and my kids.


Now let’s see what Reddit users had to say.

This reader said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

Another person agreed.

Source: Reddit

This Reddit user chimed in.

Source: Reddit

Another person had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit

And this reader spoke up.

Source: Reddit

She’s not falling for it after all these years.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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