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Voice Of Justice

vocal.media 2 days ago

A Poem For The Unseen

In the shadow of injustice, we stand

Where silence echoes across the land.

When will we rise, with hearts aflame

To end the cycle, to break the chain?

For women scarred by acid's cruel touch

Their spirits soar, though bodies clutch

At pain and fear, yet still they rise

Defying darkness, seeking skies.

In the quiet of night, where terror creeps

Voices stifled, where justice sleeps

We must awake, our resolve so clear

To banish injustice, to hold truth near.

Rape's bitter stain, a wound so deep

Shatters lives, where shadows creep.

But strength abounds, in hearts so strong

To right the wrongs, to sing justice's song.

Amidst walls of homes, where violence dwells

Echoes of anguish, where silence tells

No more, we cry, no more in fear

Let love and respect be all that's near.

In the web of bias, where inequality reigns

We break the chains, we break the chains.

With courage bold, and hearts aligned

Equality blooms, a world defined.

For those denied, for lives unseen

For futures lost, where hope's not keen

We stand as one, no soul erased

In unity, in truth embraced.

Let us rise, for justice's call

For every voice, for one and all.

In the face of darkness, let us be light

To end injustice, to make it right.

For when humanity cries out in pain

Let love and justice, like a healing rain

Restore the balance, reclaim the night

And in the dawn, let justice's light shine bright.

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