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Paedophile teacher Rebecca Joynes revealed shock with tell-tale sign as she was arrested

Mirror Online 2 days ago

Renowned body language expert Judi James has analysed the shocking footage showing the moment paedophile teacher Rebecca Joynes was arrested for having sex with two students

A paedophile teacher didn't panic as police arrived to arrest her over her crimes against two children she had sex with, according to a body language expert.

Judi James says Rebecca Joynes, who was convicted on six counts of sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust, at first appeared in control as if she was hosting some guests - before her mouth dropped open.

It is in sharp contrast to today when Joynes, 30, wept in the dock at Manchester Crown Court as she was sentenced to six-and-a-half years with a judge telling her she had "abused trust" and exploited her role "for your sexual gratification".

Analysing the video of her arrest, which police released to accompany the sentencing, Judi told the Mirror: "Joynes’ body language here suggests an air of calm surprise that converts into a look of disbelief as she hears she is being arrested. It can take time for a message like this to be fully absorbed by the brain but in this video there are no tears, or rituals of fear or panic. This could be down to delayed reactions though.

"Her greeting sounds friendly as she opens the door and, unusually, she walks ahead of the police officers and into the middle of the room rather than holding the door open and ushering them in like guests. This and the way she turns and folds her arms gives the suggestion that she might have been expecting or waiting to hear news from them, although it could possibly have been her normal way of hosting.

She begins to host her unexpected visitors
She begins to host her unexpected visitors
Her mouth falls open as she is arrested
Her mouth falls open as she is arrested

"She pulls her sleeves down her arms but not to the wrists in what looks like a business-like preparation gesture and when she folds her arms it is less of a barriered, self-protective ritual and more of a listening pose as one hand clasps her upper arm with the fingers splayed.

"Her legs are also splayed which can usually suggest confidence and this air of confidence is reflected in the way her chin is raised in confidence rather than dipped, which would have suggested wariness or fear. She looks attentive and wears a part smile although an initial sucking in of the lips could suggest she was bracing herself.

Police arrested her after she was kicked out of school
Police arrested her after she was kicked out of school

"When told she’s under arrest she maintains eye contact but her mouth drops open in a suggestion of surprise. Otherwise her pose does not seem to change, so no real hint of high levels of displayed shock or distress at this point. With her mouth still part-open she then rotates her head to glance at the first police officer in a gesture that could suggest disbelief."

Joynes was convicted of six counts of sexual activity with a child. She had sex with two teenagers and had a baby with one of them.

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