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Trump’s Scathing Midnight Response to Pelosi’s Attack Goes Viral, Leaves Critics Reeling

askinweb.com 3 days ago
Photo Credit: Reuters/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump has unleashed a barrage of criticism against former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, holding her accountable for the lack of security during the January 6th Capitol riot.

According to a post on his verified Truth Social handle on Monday, July 1, 2024, Trump not only accused Pelosi of gross negligence but also questioned her cognitive abilities, comparing them unfavorably to those of President Joe Biden.

Trump’s remarks come in response to Pelosi’s earlier attack, marking yet another fiery moment in their ongoing feud. Pelosi, in a recent interview with CNN, criticized Trump, holding him responsible for inciting the January 6th insurrection and questioning his leadership.

In retaliation, Trump wrote, “Crazy Nancy Pelosi, who the other day was exposed by her daughter, a filmmaker, as being fully responsible for the lack of security on January 6th, is, in my opinion, more cognitively impaired than Crooked Joe Biden.” His assertion referred to a recent documentary by Pelosi’s daughter, which allegedly shed new light on the events leading up to the Capitol breach.

Trump’s statement seemed designed to reinforce his long-standing narrative that Pelosi and other Democratic leaders were at fault for the chaos that ensued on that fateful day. Trump’s commentary extended beyond just security lapses.

He criticized Pelosi’s mental acuity, claiming she was “way off” during a recent interview. “I just watched her do an interview, and she was way ‘off,’” he continued.

This comment reflects Trump’s ongoing strategy of casting doubt on the mental fitness of his political adversaries, a tactic he has previously employed against Biden, whom he frequently derides as “Sleepy Joe” or “Crooked Joe.”

By suggesting that Pelosi is even more cognitively impaired than Biden, Trump aims to undermine her credibility and leadership capabilities.

In a particularly harsh critique, Trump accused Pelosi of suffering from what he termed “TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME” (TDS). “Additionally, she is suffering from TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, sometimes referred to as TDS, and her case is terminal!” Trump exclaimed.

The term “TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME” has been used by Trump’s supporters to describe individuals who they believe are irrationally obsessed with opposing him.

By diagnosing Pelosi with this supposed syndrome, Trump implies that her actions and statements are driven by an irrational hatred of him, rather than by sound political judgment. Trump’s use of inflammatory language did not stop there.

He concluded his post with a derisive remark about Pelosi’s character and long-standing behavior. “She is a sick ‘puppy,’ and always has been!!!” he wrote, using one of his trademark put-downs to dismiss her as fundamentally flawed and unworthy of respect.

This kind of personal attack is emblematic of Trump’s combative style, which often involves demeaning nicknames and hyperbolic accusations. The timing of Trump’s post is notable, coming at a moment when political tensions in the United States remain high.

The January 6th Capitol riot continues to be a deeply polarizing event, with ongoing investigations and trials keeping it in the public eye. Trump’s attempt to reframe the narrative by placing the blame squarely on Pelosi serves to rally his base and divert attention from his own role in the events of that day.

By invoking the alleged revelations from Pelosi’s daughter’s documentary, Trump aims to provide his supporters with fresh ammunition in the ongoing culture wars. Trump’s midnight tirade quickly went viral, sparking a whirlwind of reactions across the political spectrum.

The post, which was also shared on Twitter by Republicans Against Trump, an anti-Trump organization, saw supporters of Trump hailing his comments as a necessary counterattack against what they perceive as continuous, unfounded criticisms from Pelosi and other Democrats. Critics, however, were swift to denounce Trump’s statements.

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