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15 Totally Awkward Moments That'll Remind You Never To Assume Anything

buzzfeed.com 1 day ago

Always take a beat before speaking or hitting send.

1. This person who accused dear Mack's hair of being too long when he is actually missing eyes:

u/lolihull / reddit.com


2. This person who didn't take a moment to consider anything before they accused this love interest of fooling around:

3. This person who never learned they shouldn't judge, among other things:

u/Mostlyaverageish /  reddit.com

"I went to Walmart while taking a break from painting the nursery. I was fairly spattered in paint and trying to pick out a pizza. I heard a lady tell her kid 'That is why you go to school so you don't have a job like that.' There are layers to how messed up that was — not the least of which is that house painters can make pretty decent money."

4. This person who made this very wrong assumption:

Chat screenshot with criticism of cultural appropriation, followed by a response stating the criticized person is Chinese

5. This husband who told his wife all interior door frames were the same size and found out the hard way they were not:

A white door partially open, revealing a glimpse of another room inside a house. The door has six rectangular panels and a silver doorknob

6. And this husband who assumed his wife was only texting him directly:

The image contains a Reddit post where the user describes mistakenly sending a message meant for their wife to a family group chat asking them what they wanted for dinner and feeling embarrassed
u/R1CHARDCRANIUM /  reddit.com

"My wife texted me asking what I wanted for dinner. I had forgotten that we were having the family over for dinner that night. I sent her a pic of my gentleman veggies and asked her if she wanted that for dinner. I sent it to her entire family because I neglected to see it was a group text. I thought about driving into oncoming traffic that night on my way home from work."

7. This person who thought it was fine to call someone "baby" and then made up this excuse when it wasn't:

Text conversation: Person 1 asks "How you been, Farha?" at 11:15 PM. Person 2 replies "Hi baby" at 2:02 PM. Person 1 responds, "don't call me that" at 2:04 PM. Person 2 explains the previous message was an accident involving their baby cousin at 2:06 PM

8. This Uber driver who felt it was okay to hit on this stranger after they dropped them off:

A text conversation discussing meeting up with messages about directions and compliments. One person mentions their car being a white Prius and their voice calls acting up

9. This person who assumed grabbing dinner meant they scored an intimate date:

10. And this whole accidental exchange where a person's mom shouldn't have assumed this was a question that needed to be answered:

Text says someone accidentally texted their mom a question intended for Monica, asking about the color of her panties. Mom replied "Black". They never discussed it again
u/LiterallyOuttoLunch /  reddit.com

"I was drunk and I thought I was sending Monica the text, 'So, what color panties are you wearing?.' Instead, I sent it to my mom... Her reply three minutes later, 'Black.' We have never spoken of this."

11. This dealer who shouldn't take it as a given that people can't do their own research when buying cars:

Text conversation at 12:34 PM: Person 1 discusses lease buyout options and mentions NYC taxes. Person 2, named Rob, responds humorously: "Rob, really showing your cards here."

12. This person who shouldn't have assumed they knew what all hand gestures meant:

3 years ago, a cute guy I worked with wanted to give me a fist bump...I thought he was pretending to hold an invisible microphone so I leaned forward and said hello https://t.co/GjlhegAjja

— megan (@meganlewis74) October 4, 2018
Twitter: @meganlewis74

13. And this person who shouldn't have been so certain that avocados were attacking them:

Friend has been complaining about finding an avocado on his lawn every day for weeks now. Why would someone keep throwing avocados in his yard? Who would do that? You guys he just realized he has an avocado tree

— Mave (@MavenofHonor) August 22, 2019
Twitter: @MavenofHonor

14. This person's mom who should have thought twice before serving up the worst type of assumption — pregnancy:

A woman encounters an old friend at the mall. Due to her posture, the friend mistakenly assumes she is pregnant. She clarifies with a laugh, feeling only slightly offended
u/ reddit.com  reddit.com

"An old friend's mom runs into me at the mall and I haven't seen her in a few. I'm a little chunko with bad posture and I was slouching weird with both hands on my belly in a way that would suggest I'm holding the life inside of me (I have IBS so ina way that's accurate). Cue her gasping and asking if I'm pregnant. I immediately straighten up and take my hands off my mindsection and laugh and say, 'No, I'm just fat.' Only slightly offended."

15. And, finally, this person who shouldn't assume Barb won't be accepting of constructive criticism about her lasagna...

Text conversation: Person 1 apologizes and asks if another is bringing lasagna, bashing Barbara's lasagna. Person 2 agrees to pretend to like it. Person 3 refuses and accidentally texts the wrong number

Because life is too shorty for shitty lasagna:

Text message conversation: A person is mistakenly told they should be honest with Barbara about life being too short for bad lasagna. The recipient replies they will
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