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How Russell Crowe's 'elite' nanny changes a nappy in seconds without waking up a baby - as she spills the secrets all parents should know

dailymail.co.uk 1 day ago

An 'elite nanny' has created an innovative product to help sleep deprived parents with their newborns - and it means you can change a nappy in a matter of seconds.

Anna Baker, 37, is better known as the 'baby whisperer' among wealthy parents and celebrities.

She started out assisting with actor Russell Crowe and his ex-wife Danielle Spencer's children, and never looked back. While she's a pro at getting children into a better sleeping routine, Anna joked that she needs help with her own kids' attitudes.

In 2022 she launched her business Sleep Baker but her latest venture is Dream with Baker - a unique baby 'swaddle bag' that allows parents to change a nappy in 60 seconds without waking up the baby.

The pouch allows parents to slip the baby's legs out from the bottom half of their clothing for a quick and effortless nappy change. Once the nappy has been changed, you simply tuck the legs back into the pouch.

Anna Baker, 37, (pictured with her kids) is the founder of Sleep Baker and Dream with Baker. She's the nanny of celebrities and wealthy clients. Now she's released a game-changing product to reduce nappy changes
Anna Baker, 37, (pictured with her kids) is the founder of Sleep Baker and Dream with Baker. She's the nanny of celebrities and wealthy clients. Now she's released a game-changing product to reduce nappy changes
The unique baby 'swaddle bag' (pictured) allows parents to change a nappy in one minute without waking up the baby
The unique baby 'swaddle bag' (pictured) allows parents to change a nappy in one minute without waking up the baby

Anna said nappies can take up to five minutes to change and can be challenging in the middle of the night - especially if you don't want to wake up the bub. 

It can then take an additional 15 minutes trying to get the newborn back to sleep. 

Over the course of one day, parents can waste too much time simply changing a nappy then putting the child to sleep. But the swaddle helps instantly cut down this time. 

Alternative products - such as onesies - are made with buttons along the legs, but the swaddle is button-free and made with elastic at the back so it can be used swiftly.

Anna said nappies can take five minutes to change and can be challenging in the middle of the night. Then it can take an additional 15 minutes trying to get the newborn back to sleep. But the swaddle helps instantly cut down this time
Anna said nappies can take five minutes to change and can be challenging in the middle of the night. Then it can take an additional 15 minutes trying to get the newborn back to sleep. But the swaddle helps instantly cut down this time

Speaking to FEMAIL, Anna revealed the biggest mistake new parents tend to make is picking up advice from social media.

'Parents get in this zone where they really want to learn how to put their child to sleep so they go on social media and find five or six different methods to try - but they don't stay consistent for long enough,' she said.

'One method might be tried and tested for a few weeks, and it might work for a little while, but when it doesn't parents then change to another method.' 

Anna said a child isn't going to learn something overnight and can sometimes take a  month. 

'Consistency is key when it comes to babies - you want to keep everything the same,' she said. 

When it comes to sleep training a baby, Anna said to never be silent - make as much white noise as possible. 

'I've had parents say they don't wash the dishes after 6pm because the baby is sleeping. You want a baby to sleep through white noise so you can continue what you're doing, rather than living around your child,' she said.  

Speaking to FEMAIL, Anna revealed the biggest mistake new parents tend to make is picking up advice from social media
Speaking to FEMAIL, Anna revealed the biggest mistake new parents tend to make is picking up advice from social media

And similar rules apply during the toddler phase.  

'More than half the time, toddlers always win the bedtime battle because parents are often so sleep deprived they give in,' she said. 

'Sleep deprivation creeps up on you, so it's important to set good habits early during the newborn stage - for the sake of both the parents and baby.' 

Today Anna and her team of 15 'sleep train' babies, which involves establishing healthy sleep patterns for babies after three to five nights of training. Sleep Baker also offers general nanny services.

What are Anna's sleep training methods? 

The Cry Me a River Method

Cry Me a River involves weening out and eliminating behaviour by not responding to it. For up to three nights there will be a lot of crying and it will require gladiator-level patience, but after this time the crying will subside until eventually, they will sleep through the night.

It is crucial that you stay consistent with this approach for 2 weeks so that your baby really understands the routine. Also, remember that babies are going to cry because it is their form of protesting. If someone changed your daily routine then you'd protest too, for a little bit at least!

The Check In and Comfort Method

This involves checking in on your bub but making sure you do not feed or rock them. Doing so will prevent them from falling asleep independently. Once in the crib you will leave your baby for a pre-set time and then come back with some reassuring actions such as a comforting whisper, a pat or a gentle touch. It's important to note that you should not pick up your baby during this time (and I know that might seem impossible!). You'll continue checking in and leaving at set times, however, the amount of check ins will decrease and the amount of time between these check ins will increase – day by day. Keep in mind, some parents find going into the room can stir up their bub, so some do choose a more hard-line style such as that in Cry Me a River.

The 8 Nights of the Chair Method

This method is very gradual and will require a strict approach from parents. The difference with this method compared to the previous ones is that instead of leaving the room, you'll sit in a chair next to the crib once your baby has been put to sleep. Next, you'll wait for your little one to fall asleep and then that is your cue to head out! Now, the hard part, every time your baby cries you will come back, sit in the chair and wait until they sleep again. Every few nights your chair will be placed further and further away from the crib until you're no longer in their room.

The best part of this method is that mum and/or dad get to stay with their baby and be together. The hard part is that not only will you watch them cry, they'll also be seeing you watching them, which can be heartbreaking initially. For this reason, it can be a challenge staying consistent but it is definitely doable and does get easier as time goes on.

The Up, Down and Pat Method

This one is suited to younger babies ( under 4 months) and is more of a happy medium between the ones discussed above. In this method you let your bub feel their discomfort and cry for a short time, and before it heightens you can give them support. This action could include picking your baby up, giving them a back rub or singing lullaby. Once they've calmed down you can leave when they've fallen asleep and you can head back to bed! The reason this technique is suited to younger children is because as they get older your presence may be too attention-grabbing for them, making it harder to fall asleep independently.

The Sleep Routine Fade-Out Method

This method is another great one to be used in conjunction with any of the other mentioned techniques. Basically, you continue with your chosen method that works for you and then start minimising the amount of time you spend doing it. Eventually you will have decreased your actions to such a point that no action is needed anymore and your baby sleeps independently! A main benefit of this technique is that is reduces crying significantly. A common struggle I hear from parents with this method is that it can be hard to maintain. Every kid will need a different amount of time fading out until they no longer need any technique. This can be taxing and requires patience, but it is worth it. The fade-out allows for a more natural progression to independent sleep and good sleep habits, whilst working with other methods that are right for you and your family.

The Hour of Bedtime Fade-Out Method

The Hour of Bedtime Fade-Out starts with you putting your little one to bed around the time they usually start to nod off. You will note the time you pop them in their crib and make this their bedtime for the next 2 - 3 nights. Next you'll start to move them into bed a little earlier as time goes on, and they will cry a little and make a fuss until they reach their natural snooze time. For example, if your bub normally sleeps at 7:50pm and you put them in their crib at 7:30pm they will kick up a stink for around 20 or so minutes until they reach their inner bedtime. You will continue to bring their bedtime forward, until they fall asleep by themselves at the desired time.

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