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Tweet of the Day – BBC RADIO 4

wordpress.com 2 days ago

It has been a really interesting year for me so far, and I guess for all of the right reasons. I am absolutely grateful to God for any opportunities that have come my way. If you recall from my previous post about featuring in an otter documentary, that opportunity allowed me to do something I love most and showcase my passion to a Canadian audience. Well, on the this occasion I was able to do something completely out of the blue and I am truly grateful for it indeed!

I was recently contacted by the BBC team to feature on a fairly new radio programme called ‘Tweet of the Day‘ with BBC RADIO 4, and in honest truth I am still pinching myself that this opportunity came about to me. I have never done anything on the radio before to this extent. I recall having a small segment on BBC Radio Gloucestershire during my time at university, where I spoke briefly about my dissertation project with other students and our cherished Prof. Adam Hart. But I guess this is a different kind of experience all together.

Going over my scripts for my Tweet of the Day episodes

After getting invited to visit to the old BBC Studios in Bristol, I pitched my two radio segment ideas to the BBC team beforehand and I decided to choose two bird species that have truly had a lasting impact towards my everyday life here in Gloucestershire. These two birds include the beautiful skylark, and the small but bold wren. Whilst I have encountered many other kinds of birds on my daily adventures, these two in particular hold a special place in my heart for all of the right reasons.

You can actually listen to my first recorded episode this coming Sunday if you decided to tune in live to BBC RADIO 4. I believe my episode will be live on air from 08:58 onwards. If you happen to miss it then fear not as I believe each pre-recorded episode will remain on the BBC website for a decent while.

I am not too sure when my other episode about the wren bird will be live on air, but you can tune in HERE to see which presenter will be next in line. Every episode is released each Sunday at the same time, so there are plenty of opportunities to listen to some interesting people that are smashing it in their field.

As per usual, I just want to thank everyone that tunes into these posts. It means a lot to me and I am grateful to those that walk along with me in this journey of life. I really hope you enjoy the episodes, and I would be interested to hear your feedback on them. Until then, enjoy the natural world around you and cherish the beautiful melodies from both our native and migrant birds that visit our landscapes!

Me happy with the recordings. I hope you enjoy them both!
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