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Defeating Terror: Military Discovers Stolen Food Cache in Terrorist Hideout

acnntv.com 2024/6/23

In a significant operation, Nigerian Army troops have dealt a heavy blow to terrorist activities in Zamfara State, resulting in the elimination of at least three terrorists and the recovery of several rustled sheep.

This operation, carried out on Monday, spanned three local government areas of the state and was conducted in collaboration with the Zamfara State Community Protection Guards.

During the operation, two terrorists were neutralized in the Zurmi Local Government Area of the state. The targeted operation aimed at dismantling a terrorist kingpin’s hideout in the area. The Nigerian Army, in a statement released on Wednesday, revealed that the precise action led to the elimination of the terrorists and the disruption of their operational base.

Moreover, the operation uncovered and destroyed a terrorist warehouse, further crippling their infrastructure and logistics network in the region. This discovery marks a significant setback for the terrorist group’s activities in Zamfara State and underscores the Nigerian Army’s commitment to ensuring peace and security in the area.

The Nigerian Army’s swift and decisive action demonstrates their determination to combat terrorism and restore stability to Zamfara State. This successful operation reflects the effectiveness of collaborative efforts between security forces and local communities in tackling security challenges plaguing the region.

According to the statement released by the Nigerian Army, the operation in Zamfara State targeted the notorious terrorist kingpin Gwaska Dan Karami’s hideout in Rukudawa Village, situated within the Zurmi Local Government Area. Troops launched an offensive operation, resulting in the elimination of two terrorists. Additionally, a significant discovery was made as troops uncovered a terrorist warehouse stocked with looted food supplies. The army promptly destroyed the warehouse on site, disrupting the terrorists’ logistics network and depriving them of vital resources.

In another part of the state, specifically in the Maru Local Government Area, troops engaged terrorists in a fierce gun battle. The confrontation resulted in the death of several terrorists and the successful recovery of 410 rustled sheep. Alongside the livestock, military personnel seized a pair of military uniforms and weapons from the terrorists, further hampering their capacity to carry out attacks and operate in the region.

These operations demonstrate the Nigerian Army’s proactive approach in combating terrorism and securing communities in Zamfara State. By targeting key terrorist leaders and disrupting their supply chains, the army aims to degrade the capabilities of these criminal elements and restore peace and stability to the region. The recovery of rustled livestock and weapons further underscores the success of these operations and the commitment of the Nigerian Army to safeguarding lives and property in Zamfara State.

The recent operation conducted by the Nigerian Army in Zamfara State was specifically aimed at dismantling the stronghold of notorious terrorist leader Gwaska Dan Karami, located in Rukudawa Village within the Zurmi Local Government Area. Launching an offensive operation, troops successfully eliminated two terrorists. Moreover, during the operation, a significant discovery was made as troops uncovered a terrorist warehouse filled with looted food supplies. Acting swiftly, the army destroyed the warehouse on site, effectively disrupting the terrorists’ logistics network and depriving them of essential resources necessary for their activities.

In a separate engagement in the Maru Local Government Area, Nigerian Army troops confronted terrorists in a fierce gun battle. This intense confrontation resulted in the death of several terrorists and the successful recovery of 410 rustled sheep. Additionally, military personnel seized a pair of military uniforms and weapons from the terrorists, further impeding their capacity to carry out attacks and operate within the region.

These operations reflect the proactive stance of the Nigerian Army in combating terrorism and ensuring the safety of communities in Zamfara State. By targeting key terrorist leaders and disrupting their supply chains, the army aims to degrade the capabilities of these criminal elements and restore peace and stability to the region. The recovery of rustled livestock and weapons underscores the effectiveness of these operations and highlights the Nigerian Army’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding lives and property in Zamfara State.

Troops have heightened their counter-terrorism operations in the Northern region of the country, resulting in the demise of at least 9,303 terrorists over the past year. Additionally, within the same period, security forces have apprehended 6,998 individuals suspected of terrorist activities.

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