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Machel Waikenda on why Kenya Kwanza parties must dissolve and join UDA

Capital FM Kenya 1 day ago

With each buffalo going its way, they became vulnerable to predators, easy pickings for the lions and hyenas that lurked in the shadows.

Once upon a time in the vast savannah where the buffalo roamed freely, there lived a herd that was once mighty and invincible. But as time went on, divisions arose among them. Some buffaloes wanted to go east, others west, and still, others preferred to graze in the north.

With each buffalo going its way, they became vulnerable to predators, easy pickings for the lions and hyenas that lurked in the shadows.

This fable illustrates the stark contrast between a divided and a united force – a lesson that the Kenya Kwanza alliance must heed. As I reflect on my own political journey, I can’t help but draw parallels to this tale.

In the last election, I threw my hat into the political ring, vying for the Kiambu Senate seat under the Chama cha Kazi Party, an affiliate of the Kenya Kwanza umbrella. However, as the dust settled after the elections, I made a conscious decision to part ways with the party. I saw the value in unity and joined the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), recognizing the strength that comes from standing together under a common banner.

With multiparty democracy, parties began forming coalitions to increase their political clout. The lead-up to the 2002 elections saw the National Alliance of Rainbow Kenya (NARC) emerge from a merger of several opposition parties, ultimately defeating KANU.

The 2017 elections serve as another successful example – the merging of eleven parties to form the Jubilee party demonstrated the power of a unified front. President Ruto himself dissolved his United Republican Party (URP) to join Jubilee, prioritizing strength in numbers over individual party identity.

The importance of unity was evident in the lead-up to the 2017 election when eleven parties dissolved and merged to form the Jubilee party. I was privileged to be part of the process as a member of the Oversight Board of The National Alliance Party (TNA).

I witnessed firsthand how party members, including President Ruto, put aside personal interests for the greater good, dissolving their respective parties to form a formidable alliance.

However, despite calls from the President and UDA Secretary General Malala, leaders of Kenya Kwanza affiliates remain hesitant to dissolve their parties. This indecision poses a significant threat to the coalition’s future success.

A clear ultimatum is needed. Party leaders who disregard the call for unity must face consequences before the next election cycle. This allows time to resolve any fallout and integrate those willing to join UDA.

But the onus doesn’t solely lie on them. UDA must hold fair and inclusive party elections, fostering a welcoming atmosphere for members of affiliate parties. This creates a “behemoth” party, a powerful political force built on inclusivity and collaboration.

If some leaders remain obstinate, then the party should strategically weaken their influence by attracting their members and supporters. After all, a united party is stronger than the sum of its parts.

For those unwilling to join entirely, a targeted approach could be employed. Reach out to their strongest members, the “pillars” of their parties. By offering them a strong platform within UDA, these members are incentivized to join, weakening the opposing parties in the process.

President Ruto’s success in the 2027 election hinges on a united front and it is imperative for the president to have a cohesive and robust party behind him. A single, strong UDA, encompassing the collective strength of Kenya Kwanza, would provide the necessary platform for a decisive victory.

Divided, the alliance risks facing the fate of the scattered buffaloes – easy prey for political predators. The time for unity is now. Kenya Kwanza must choose strength over division for the nation’s future and the President’s vision.

Change often meets resistance, but progress cannot be halted by the reluctance of a few. The time has come for Kenya Kwanza parties to set aside their differences and embrace the power of unity.

Let us heed the lessons of the buffalo and stand together, for in unity lies our strength. As we march forward towards the future, let us do so with one voice, one purpose, and one party – the United Democratic Alliance.

That said, Party mergers require strong leadership, a clear vision, and a commitment to inclusivity to ensure all members feel represented in the new entity.

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