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Taoiseach Expresses Disappointment Over Cancellation of Pride Youth Event Due to Threats

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

In a disappointing turn of events, a planned 'Rainbow Disco' for teenagers in Newtownmountkennedy, Taoiseach Simon Harris's constituency, was canceled following threats of protest. Threats Lead to Cancellation The Wicklow Pride group had organized the event but had to call it off due to threats from some residents, including accusations of being 'paedophiles' and 'groomers'. The group members even faced personal attacks, with one receiving a disturbing note branding them with false accusations. Taoiseach Condemns the Actions Taoiseach Simon Harris expressed his dismay over the cancellation, calling it 'unacceptable' and 'regrettable'. He emphasized the importance of events like Pride in celebrating inclusion and diversity while acknowledging the challenges that still exist. Harris highlighted the need to continue working towards a more inclusive society and condemned the intimidation tactics used against the event organizers. Moving Forward Despite the setback, Harris remains committed to promoting equality and respect for all individuals. The incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights and the importance of supporting such events in the community. As discussions continue on how to address the issue and prevent similar incidents in the future, it is clear that the journey towards equality is far from over.

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