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Europe on Alert: Dengue Fever Cases in Non-Endemic Countries Raise Concerns

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

Warnings have been issued as cases of a serious illness brought back from a holiday hotspot have been detected in Europe. Since June 10, three cases of dengue fever have been reported in Italy, linked to popular resort Sharm El-Sheik in Egypt, where travellers visited in May 2024. Dengue fever, a potentially lethal infection spread by mosquitoes, is causing concern due to its severe symptoms. Symptoms and Warning Signs Symptoms of dengue fever include high temperature, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, nausea, swollen glands, and a blotchy rash. Severe cases may experience tummy pain, vomiting, fast breathing, bleeding gums, extreme fatigue, restlessness, and blood in vomit or feces. Global Spread France has seen 600 cases of dengue fever, linked to Guadeloupe and Martinique. Climate change is enabling the spread of diseases like dengue and cholera, with a rise in cases reported in Argentina (488,035 so far in 2024). Worrying Trends Italy and France have seen significant increases in locally acquired cases. Airfinity's Biorisk analyst warns of dengue becoming endemic in southern Europe. Global Health Concerns Scientists warn that over half of the world's population could be at risk of mosquito-borne diseases by the end of the century. The UK has seen imported malaria cases rise, with 2,004 confirmed in 2023 due to increased overseas travel. Increase in Incidence Globally, dengue cases reported to the WHO have increased eight-fold since 2000. Europe has seen local spread of the disease in countries like France, Italy, and Spain since 2023. Climate Impact Global warming is expanding the reach of disease vectors, causing more frequent and complex outbreaks in previously unaffected regions. Public health systems need to be prepared for the challenges posed by these changing disease patterns.

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