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FCT Pension Department setting the pace

Blueprint 2 days ago

For some months running now, the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, has been awash with positive strides.

Is it the construction site the FCT has turned into or is it the peace the residents are enjoying now from the hitherto high crime rates or is it the extension of developments to the six Area Councils?

Can’t one talk of FCT exiting the central pay system or the sigh of relief by the about 44,000 civil servants in the employ of FCT Administration that can aspire to become permanent secretaries?

The list is unending and now the retired workers can go home with peace and joy as pension and gratuity are paid as at when due.

All thanks to the amiable and workaholic Minister of the FCTA, Barrister Nyesom Wike, who is taking the plight of retired workers of FCTA into reckoning by ensuring that “the labour of our heroes past are not in vain but adequately compensated.”

It is not arguable that FCTA is one of the few governments that is regular and constant in the payment of pension to its retired workers.

This much the director of FCT Pension Department, Mr Rotimi Ajayi, said that the minister is committed to priotising the welfare of FCT pensioners and the next of kin of FCTA staff.

Ajayi said retirees should therefore work in concert with the FCT Administration by ensuring that all necessary processes and documentation are promptly concluded, guaranteeing the payment of their retirement benefits.

The director said as at March 2024, all files that have reached the department have been processed and the attendant clearance letters were available for collection.

He therefore enjoined all retirees and next of kin yet to collect their letters to come to Area Three, the office of the department and collect their letters.

The director commended the FCT Administration under the able leadership of the Honourable Minister for his commitment to prioritising the welfare of FCT pensioners and the next of kin of FCTA staff as evidenced by the prompt granting of approval on pension related matters. 

He noted that the onus is therefore on retirees to work in concert with the FCT Administration by ensuring that all necessary processes and documentation are promptly concluded guaranteeing the timely payment of their retirement benefits.

As if that wasn’t enough, he said the FCT Pension Department is currently processing another batch of accrued Right Benefits for Payment to retirees and deceased staff of the FCT in no distant time.

He said the Administration has paid the Accrued Right Benefits of Hundred and Ninety-Nine (299) retirees and Next of kin deceased staff of the secretariats, Departments and Agencies of FCTA.

This he said is following the approval of over N864 million by Minister Wike for payment. 

In addition, the FCT Administration has maintained its pacesetter position in the payment of monthly pension to pensioners under the Defined Benefit Scheme with the prompt payment of pension.

The Director further stated that sequel to the payment of Accrued Right Benefits, Clearance letters are currently being issued to the retirees and Next –of-kin to enable access their benefits with the Pension Fund Administrators.

 He emphasised that the FCT Pension Department operates a strict First Come First Served approach to the processing of Accrued Rights Benefits for payment. 

Meanwhile, some of the laudable achievements of the FCT Pension Board include the disbursement of over N8 billion as benefits to 1,217 retirees within six years.

The board also disbursed N896 million as death benefits to the dependents of deceased staff.

The board has maintained a group life assurance policy to ensure that the dependents of deceased staff are paid their insurance benefits.

The board has implemented a robust pension management system that includes a website, social media sites, a workflow system, and an Information Technology Centre.

The board has digitalised document management, ensuring that all files are digitalized and easily accessible.

The board has launched a servicom charter and an anti-corruption transparency guide, making it the only agency in the FCT to do so.

The board was nominated as a finalist at the World Pension Summit in the Netherlands for its efficient strategies and innovations in pensions.

The FCT Administration has disbursed the sum of N4.82 billion to the six area councils of the FCT, teachers, and pension scheme as statutory allocation for December 2023.

Of the N4.82 billion, N2.36 billion was disbursed to the six area councils, while N2.45 billion was disbursed to other stakeholders.

N226.48 million was earmarked as 15 per cent pension funds, N107.85 million as 10 per cent employer pension contribution, while N48.16 million was earmarked as 1 per cent training fund.

There are indeed challenges in ensuring the effective management of pension affairs in the FCT.

But here are some ways FCTA is addressing its pension challenges;

The board has implemented a pension management system, including a website and a workflow system.

FCTA has digitalized document management and maintained a group life assurance policy.

FCTA has paid death benefits of N896 million to the families of deceased retirees.

The board has held an annual pension operational management system retreat.

FCTA launched an anti-corruption transparency guide and an operation manual.

The board was nominated as a finalist for the Pensions and Investment World Pension Summit Awards in 2022.

FCTA has increased its funding by 5% towards the retirement bond savings account with the CBN.

The board has urged Pension Fund Administrators to improve their services for current and retired FCTA staff.

FCTA has disbursed N4.82 billion to the six area councils of the FCT, teachers and pension scheme.

The board needs to enhance Digitalization by Continue to invest in technology to streamline processes, reduce manual interventions, and improve efficiency.

Also in Transparency and Communication that is by regularly update pensioners on their status, and provide clear information on payment schedules and processes.

Staff Training: Provide regular capacity-building programs for staff to enhance their skills and knowledge in pension management.

Anti-Corruption Measures: Strengthen internal controls and implement measures to prevent fraud and mismanagement.

Collaboration: Engage with relevant stakeholders, including pensioners, to address concerns and improve services.

Process Automation: Automate payment processes to reduce delays and improve efficiency.

Customer Service: Improve customer service to ensure pensioners receive assistance and support when needed.

Regular Review: Regularly review and update pension policies and procedures to ensure they remain effective and efficient.

Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with stakeholders to address concerns and improve the overall pension management system.

By implementing these measures, the FCT Pension Board can improve its performance, enhance the quality of life for pensioners, and maintain the trust of its stakeholders.

All said and done, Barrister Wike needs commendation for the giant stride just as we need to appreciate the director for transforming the department since he took over about two years ago.

Indeed, the FCTA workforce can be reassured that henceforth their labour would not be in vain as they will be adequately be given their dues accordingly.

Abdul, Abuja based journalist, writes via [email protected]

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