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Nigerian foreign scholar  sets to break new grounds on mathematics education  in doctoral research

naijatravel.com.ng 4 days ago

A young Nigerian scholar, Emmanuel Chukwuebuka Umeh, who is currently on his doctoral degree programme in the United States of America (USA) is set to break new grounds in the field of Mathematics and Education with special focus on providing possibilities of teaching and learning mathematics with the aide of the grasp of immigrants’ indigenous cultures from asset based perspectives .

When completed, Umeh’s research findings will be of huge benefits to researchers in tertiary institutions , High school teachers, refugee organizations and scholars on the need of understanding of immigrants’ indigenous cultures in teaching mathematics.

Informing about this laudable development in a piece tagged:” Bridging Cultures in Mathematics Education: An Innovative Approach To Understanding African Immigrants and Refugee Youth Background In Western Culture”, Umeh said: “In today’s diverse educational landscape, immigrant and refugee students pose challenges and opportunities for educators and teachers in the United States and across the globe. With newcomers comprising 14.4% of the population, according to the Migration Policy Institute (2020), schools are witnessing a notable influx of students from refugee backgrounds and those who have immigrated with their families. Among them, African newcomers form a significant demographic, bringing with them rich cultural and linguistic backgrounds that influence their learning experiences.
Recent years have seen a steady rise in refugee admissions to the U.S., with numbers climbing from 11,411 in 2021 to 25,465 in 2022 and an anticipated 60,000 in 2023, as reported by the Refugee Processing Center (RPC, 2023).
“This demographic shift necessitates a thoughtful approach from educators, who must navigate the complexities of teaching mathematics to students with diverse linguistic and sociocultural backgrounds.”

Having been volunteering for Refugee Organizations in the United States and working closely with teachers of refugee background,  The Anambra State born Emmanuel Chukwuebuka Umeh”s research on Mathematics Education at the University of Missouri, U.S focused on educational cultural systems and mathematical learning. It sheds light on the unique challenges African multilingual students face in American classrooms and how it is important to create a system that can foster cross-cultural relationship between teachers and refugee students. His research underscores the need for tailored educational approaches that cater to the specific needs of these students. Central to his work is the “Math-trivium framework,” a conceptual framework he developed to bridge the gap between research and practice in mathematics education.
To further this innovative research, Emmanuel is set to travel to Kenya as a visiting researcher. He will collaborate with Masinde Murilo University of Science and Technology Kenya, using his framework to study refugee students at the Kakuma Refugee Camp, specifically looking at the role of culture, language, use of technology, and mathematical experiences of refugee youths from an asset-based perspective and how teachers can leverage on such experiences to help them achieve mathematical success when they immigrate to western culture.
His work promises to potentially impact improving educational outcomes in Kenya and cross-cultural relationships between refugee youths and educators across the globe. The Findings from this study have informed policy and practice, leading to more effective strategies for teaching mathematics in refugee contexts and enhancing the overall educational experiences of refugee students.
The Math trivium framework is rooted in understanding how African multilingual students engage with mathematics through their cultural lenses. It identifies three essential components: communication (literacy), mathematization (Matheracy), and tools (technocracy), each deeply embedded in cultural knowledge. For recent immigrants, proficiency in mathematics often requires mastery of English as a communicative language and adaptation to new mathematical systems and technological tools different from those in their home countries.
Umeh’s framework emphasizes the importance of cultural knowledge in fostering mathematical competence among immigrant students. By recognizing and leveraging students’ cultural backgrounds, educators can create more equitable and inclusive learning environments. This approach not only enhances students’ mathematical skills but also validates their unique experiences, promoting a deeper engagement with the subject.
“Understanding recent African multilingual high school students’ mathematical learning experiences inside and outside the classroom is crucial,” Umeh explains. “It allows us to develop strategies that empower these students to succeed academically while honoring their cultural identities.”
Through his research, Umeh advocates for a shift in educational practices towards more culturally responsive teaching methods. By integrating cultural knowledge into mathematics instruction, educators can better support immigrant students’ academic and cultural integration, fostering a learning environment where every student can thrive.
As the educational landscape continues to evolve, Emmanuel Chukwuebuka Umeh’s work stands as a testament to the transformative potential of culturally informed teaching practices in mathematics education. By embracing diversity and cultural richness, educators can pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable educational experience for all students.

Umeh is a graduated with  first class honors from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Abia State, and was retained  as a Junior Lecturer in the same University  before he won a fellowship and travelled to Universidade federal de ouro preto in Brazil for a program in Ethnomathematics.  He proceed to the United States for his Doctoral degree where he has  won several awards including international discovery award the John BIES fellowship.

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