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If You Love Your Kidney And Your Liver, You Should Stop Taking These Drugs

ambajay.com 1 day ago

At the end of this post, I’ll explain why the liver and kidney are the two most important critical organs that are harmed by these medications in high dosages.…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

1. Paracetamol: Many people, like my acquaintance, overdose on acetaminophen (up to 25, 000 mg) because they believe the standard 1000 mg is insufficient to give them with the relief they need.
Warnings…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

There are many different brands and types of paracetamol, and not all of them are listed in this brochure. It is not a good idea to take over-the-counter cough, cold, allergy, or pain medicine without first consulting…Read Full Story…>>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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