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PDP’s Attack On Kebbi Deputy Governor Unacceptable – APC

Independent 2024/6/26

The attention of the All progressives Congress APC, has been drawn to yet another press release signed by the state secretary of the opposition party, the peoples democratic party PDP, where in a desperate attempt to smear the name of Kebbi deputy governor, Alhaji Umar Abubakar Tafida accused him and the state electoral body KSIEC of already concluded the forth coming local councils polls slated to hold in August, 2024.

In his reaction to the fallacious and baseless compromised elections, the state APC, mouth piece, Alhaji Isah Assalafy said that, the opposition are still licking the wounds of 2023, defeat by the APC hence the reason they are desperately trying to twist the statement of the deputy governor.

He noted that, ban on campaigns has been lifted since the time polls date was announced therefore what the deputy governor said was a campaign for his party which is allowed globally therefore the PDP should come out of their shell and begin to campaign as level playing field has been provided for all political parties in the state not only PDP to use the window period to woo voters not to resort to seeking cheap popularity and to gain voters sympathy.

Isah added that, the governor’s huge developmental strides have made opposition almost in possible in Kebbi state as such the opposition could not find a crack to capitalise on rather turned to mischievous campaign of columny against the government to win favours from the voting public.

The APC has threaten to sue the PDP state secretary who signed the press release for defaming the person of the deputy governor of Kebbi state.

Recall that, Kebbi deputy governor, in his sallah message on Sunday canvasses support for his party APC where he expressed optimism that they will deliver the local councils polls for the party which the PDP misunderstood as colluding with the state electoral body to compromise the outcome of the polls.

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