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Walking in the light – Part 22

Guardian Nigeria 1 day ago

Key Verse: Psalm 119:9, “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word,” (NKJV).

To walk in the light is to walk in purity and holiness. The Bible is a manual for holy living. It is by guarding your life according to the word of God that you can live a life of purity that is pleasing to God. The entire Book of Psalm highlights the importance of God’s word by describing its value, effects, commands and benefits.

And one of the benefits or effects is purity. The Bible is a very important book in the life of a believer. You must intentionally create time to study the word of God to feed your spirit. Anytime we eat food to feed our flesh, it should remind us of the importance of feeding our spirit. But at times, we grow complacent or cold towards God and His word. The less time you spend with God in His word, the less you desire it. To walk in the light is to live in accordance with the word of God.
A Christian cannot truly claim to have fellowship with God while living in darkness. The Bible says in 1John 1:6 that we lie and do not practice the truth if we live in darkness and claim to have fellowship with God. Christians who say they are in fellowship with God (who is light), but are disobeying Him (walking in darkness) is lying both in their words and in their actions (1John 2:4).

Light and darkness cannot coexist. There will either be one or the other. What really matters is not what we say, but what is in our heart. If God’s light is truly shining in our hearts then our actions will be different. We will be changed people, no longer wanting to practice the works of darkness. God wants you and me to walk in His light. To walk in His light in our daily Christian living, we must look at the spiritual mirror of the word of God, so that, it exposes our sins, shortcomings and the areas of our life where we need to repent.

We need to cry out to God that He would incline our hearts toward His Word. The psalmist cried out in Psalm 119:18 saying “open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.” To walk in the light, practice memorising the word of God. Don’t memorise the word of God just to get prizes. David stated the importance of memorising the word of God in Psalm 119:11, which says: “I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” When you are consumed with the word of God, it will guide your steps from falling into sin.

In 1 John 1:7, Apostle John urges us to walk in the light just as God is in the light. One of the interesting things about light is that it helps us to see things. As we expose our hearts to the light of His word, it is a great way to continually check our hearts for any darkness.

We should always be ready at all times to acknowledge any failure, which God’s light may expose in us. John wrote in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us. We can depend on God to do the work of cleansing in our lives. It is not us that do the work of cleansing, but God. God cleanses us and we no longer have to live in the darkness of sin.

Today’s Nugget: Light exposes our Sins

• Prayer: Lord cleanse me from every sin. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: amadiabelukachi@gmail.com. Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi,
General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria

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