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"He Had The Intimidating Demeanor Of A Wet Wipe" — 16 Actors Who Were Totally Miscast In Their Roles

buzzfeed.com 2 days ago

"I've always said that they made an Adam Sandler movie but forgot to tell Adam Sandler."

When an actor doesn't quite fit in the role they're supposed to play, it can really take you out of the fantasy...

Woman in 1920s-style outfit with pearls and headband frowns, saying, "Mm-mm. I don't like that one bit."

So, when u/Squirrelkid11 asked people to share the actor they think was miscast in a role, we decided to round up the most popular answers:

1. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther — Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Warner Bros. Pictures

"Still makes me cringe."


"Eiesnberg could have worked. He just did not with the direction the film had. He was supposed to be a Zuckerberg-like amoral and eccentric genius, something that he definitely could pull off. Unfortunately, the writing just ended up making him completely weird and off-putting."


2. Mark Wahlberg as Sully — Uncharted

Person dressed casually in a T-shirt and open shirt, holding a revolver and aiming it forward. The setting appears to be indoors with wooden beams in the background
Sony Pictures Releasing

"I tried not to get my hopes up (as I don’t for any video game adaptation) but seriously, WTF. WRONG." 


"Sully is a charismatic, witty, funny, charming badass who always beats his enemies because he's not only good at what he does, he's also so wise in his old age that he's always one step ahead. Mark Wahlberg just plays his generic tough guy role in the film that he always does."  


3. Tom Cruise as Jack ReacherJack Reacher

Tom Cruise stands in a dark city street with a woman in the background. Cruise wears a casual plaid shirt
Paramount Pictures

"Five-foot-six Tom Cruise as six-foot-five Jack Reacher." 


"If you hadn't read the books, you wouldn't really know why it was bad casting as Cruise did a pretty good job with the role."  


4. Terrence Howard as War Machine — MCU

Terrence Howard in a U.S. Air Force uniform with sunglasses and medals, looking serious
Paramount Pictures

"Honestly, Don Cheadle showed how Terrence Howard was miscasted. Every time I see War Machine, I just can't see Terrence Howard giving the same." 


5. Topher Grace as Eddy Brock/Venom — Spider-Man 3

Sony Pictures Releasing

"I like the actor, but he shouldn't have been cast."


"They were going for the 'anti-Peter Parker' and I think he works in that respect."  


"I came here to say this... Loudly."


6. Keanu Reeves as Jonathan Harker — Bram Stoker's Dracula

A person dressed in period formal attire, including a suit with a waistcoat and high-collared shirt, stands against a dark background
Columbia Pictures


"They kept trying to cast early Keanu in period pieces — Dangerous Liaisons, Much Ado About Nothing. He just takes me right out of it."  


7. Chris Pratt as Mario — The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Mario and Luigi, characters from the Super Mario series, dressed in matching overalls with red and green shirts and hats, smile and gesture enthusiastically
Universal Pictures

"It's the funniest casting choice ever made for the worst reasons. I remember crying with laughter when I found out." 


"I get that sustaining the voices of the Mario games would diminish the emotion, but meet us half way…"  


8. Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon — Napoleon

Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon, wearing a military uniform and a bicorne hat, holding a sword
Columbia Pictures

"He couldn't have appeared more bored if he tried, and he was at least 20 years too old." 


9. Meryl Streep as Donna — Mamma Mia!

Meryl Streep smiling, dressed in a casual, layered outfit with a white blouse and accessory
Universal Pictures

"Donna is supposed to be 39. It's a plot point. Sophie is 20 and Donna had her at 19. Meryl Streep was most definitely not 39 when they made the film and Cher could not be her mother. Certainly not the way Cher played the Granny in the sequel." 


10. Nicolas Cage as Captain Antonio Corelli — Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Nicolas Cage, in military uniform, salutes in a scene from a film. He wears a peaked cap and is surrounded by soldiers in helmets
Universal Pictures

"I have never seen my wife so mad. She adored the book and he single-handedly ruined it for her." 


"I'm with your wife. His Italian accent was ridiculous, and he was awful. Infuriating."  


11. Jimmy Fallon as Ben — Fever Pitch (2005)

Jimmy Fallon smiles while sitting outdoors at a café. An older man is seated behind him, engaged in conversation
20th Century Fox

"I've always said that they made an Adam Sandler movie but forgot to tell Adam Sandler." 


12. Russel Crowe as Javert — Les Misérables

Russell Crowe dressed as Javert in a historical uniform with a distinctive hat, from the film "Les Misérables."
Universal Pictures

"He just cannot sing. I couldn't watch the whole film, it was just a mockery."


"Totally agree on this one. His portrayal reminded me of the casting of Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia!. Great actor, definitely NOT a singer."  


13. Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan Noonien Singh — Star Trek Into Darkness

Paramount Pictures

"Great actor but totally wrong for that role."


"Cumberbatch was a robot in the role. He had zero charisma, which is an extremely important element for that character, IMO."  


14. Eddie Redmayne as Balem Abrasax — Jupiter Ascending

Eddie Redmayne as Balem Abrasax in "Jupiter Ascending," wearing a high-tech-looking collar, against a futuristic cityscape background
Warner Bros. Pictures

"He's the least convincing villain I've ever seen. He had the intimidating demeanor of a wet wipe." 


15. Julia Roberts as Tinker Bell — Hook

A person with reddish hair, wearing a tattered, earth-toned outfit, appears to be in a state of surprise or distress in a dimly-lit environment
TriStar Pictures

"It was absolutely horrendous. If the rest of the cast wasn't so perfect, she would have ruined the movie."


16. Denzel Washington as Troy Maxson — Fences

Denzel Washington wearing a flat cap and casual jacket, standing indoors with a window in the background
Paramount Pictures

"Good actor, but if you go back and watch James Earl Jones play the role then you see how it should be. Denzel just doesn't have that rage in him." 


H/T to u/Squirrelkid11 and AskReddit for having this discussion!

Note: All submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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