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NAS Donates Educational Materials To Primary School In Edo

Independent 2 days ago

On Wednesday, the National Association of Seadogs, (NAS), also known as Pyrates Confraternity donated educational mate­rials to Ikhiroda Primary School in Etsako West Local Govern­ment Area of Edo.

Mr Dirisu Odion, the Capoon Hybrid Deck, (Edo North) who presented the materials to the school said that the donation aimed to develop education at the grassroots.

The donation, Odion said, is part of the association inter­vention from the Deckhands proj­ect and Hybrid Deck.

“We decided to donate these notebooks, textbooks, and writ­ing materials to these pupils to support and encourage them in our little way to take their ac­ademics seriously.

“As an organization, we are committed to playing key roles in improving the educational development of the less privileged in society.

“We can’t continue to wait on the government to do every­thing for them, we must sacrifice in our little way to support in moving the society forward,” Odion said.

He called on groups and in­dividuals to join in developing education at the grassroots.

Responding, the school’s headmistress, Mrs. Rianetu Umoru, thanked the association for the gesture.

She prayed to God to give the organization more grace to continue to do good for humanity

“On behalf of the school and the students, I want to thank the seadogs for supporting the educational advancement with qualitative materials.

“I want to thank the organ­isation for the donation and I promised that the materials will be used judiciously for the pur­pose intended,” Umoru said.

The National Association of Seadogs is an independent, humanitarian organization offering support to indigents across the world.

The organization is a vol­unteer group engaged in pro­viding care in disadvantaged communities.

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