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This Incredible Acolyte Theory Completely Rewrites A Key Attack Of The Clones Scene

screenrant.com 2024/10/6
Mae and Osha hugging in the foreground with the Stranger wielding his lightsaber in the background
Custom Image by Liz Declan


  • The Acolyte introduces new insights about the Sith, potentially re-framing a key scene from Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.
  • The Acolyte reveals the true Sith structure as Master, Apprentice, and Acolyte, offering a new understanding of Count Dooku's intentions.
  • Count Dooku's revelation to Obi-Wan was likely part of a plan to betray his master and potentially recruit Obi-Wan as his Acolyte.

The Acolyte has introduced brand-new insights about the Sith in Star Wars, and this theory suggests it could completely re-frame one key scene from Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Set 100 years before Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace in the High Republic Era, The Acolyte had the perfect opportunity to shed new light upon Star Wars movies and TV shows, and so far, it has taken advantage. Arguably the biggest impact The Acolyte has had is on the history and understanding of the Sith.

Star Wars' most powerful Sith have long been one of the biggest areas of interest in the franchise, dating back to Darth Vader in A New Hope. However, it seemed doubtful The Acolyte would introduce a new Sith, as the Jedi believed they were extinct during this era. Qimir/the Stranger, presumed to be Star Wars' newest Sith, therefore shook things up considerably, and secrets about him are still being revealed. Already, though, the introduction of Qimir and his interests in The Acolyte may have major implications for Star Wars, one key Attack of the Clones scene in particular.

Manny Jacinto as Qimir/The Stranger in The Acolyte episode 6
9 Theories About Manny Jacinto's Sith Lord After The Acolyte Episode 6

The Acolyte episode 6 revealed a lot about Qimir, but it also sparked more questions, leading to many theories about the Sith Lord—here are 9 of them.

Count Dooku May Have Been Trying To Recruit Obi-Wan As His Acolyte

Obi-Wan Kenobi facing Count Dooku on Geonosis.

In Attack of the Clones, Count Dooku had Obi-Wan Kenobi captured on Geonosis and went, seemingly, to interrogate him. However, things took an interesting turn when he instead began revealing much of his (and his master's) plan to Obi-Wan. In the interaction, Dooku referenced the corruption of the Senate, no doubt setting the stage for his opposition as the leader of the Separatists in the Clone Wars.

From there, Dooku elaborated, shockingly detailing precisely what he and Darth Sidious were scheming. Specifically, Dooku asked Obi-Wan, "What if I told you that the Republic is now under the control of the Dark Lord of the Sith?" When Obi-Wan protested, Dooku again revealed essential information, telling Obi-Wan directly that the dark side of the Force had clouded their vision—something that Palpatine very specifically did to make sure he went undetected.

Most unbelievable of all, though, is that Count Dooku even named Darth Sidious directly, telling Obi-Wan that he controlled multiple senators. Surely, this was in an effort to win over Obi-Wan's trust, as it was only then that Dooku asked Obi-Wan to join him, telling him together they could destroy the Sith (an obvious lie). When Obi-Wan refused, Dooku abandoned his efforts and left.

At first, this frankly seemed almost like sentimentality. Dooku, by all accounts, seems to have genuinely cared for his former Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, and, as Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon's Padawan, that soft spot seems to have transferred. Dooku even alluded to this, in fact, telling Obi-Wan, "Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you. I wish he were still alive; I could use his help right now." Much more may have been at work, however.

It has always seemed a bit odd that Count Dooku would reveal so much of the truth to Obi-Wan in Attack of the Clones. While, yes, Dooku was very conceited and loved to boast, this was an odd misstep even for him. However, The Acolyte may have revealed why Count Dooku was behaving this way and what intentions were lurking beneath the surface.

It has always seemed a bit odd that Count Dooku would reveal so much of the truth to Obi-Wan in Attack of the Clones .

The Acolyte has introduced a new structure to the Sith or, at least, an amendment to the Sith Rule of Two. The original Rule of Two indicated that there were only ever two Sith, a master and an apprentice. For quite some time, this seemed to be the case, until the sequel trilogy complicated that. Now, though, The Acolyte has made a much bigger alteration, revealing that there is another part of this lineage.

Specifically, The Acolyte revealed that the true Sith structure is: Master, Apprentice, and Acolyte. As the Rule of Two already established, the apprentice will always seek to overthrow the master; with an acolyte being next in line, the apprentice can finally strike. This is precisely why Qimir is seeking an acolyte, and, presumably, this means he is the Sith apprentice seeking to overthrow his master. While this is fascinating enough in the show, it may also mean that this odd scene in Attack of the Clones can finally be explained.

Dooku's Information Shows How He Would Betray His Master

Clearly, based on what Count Dooku was willing to tell Obi-Wan, he had every intention of overthrowing his master, and he may have even been positioning himself to be a hero to both the Jedi and the Republic. After all, Dooku told Obi-Wan that the Sith had infiltrated the Senate. While he may have been a fallen Jedi, this would have (falsely) shown the Jedi that he was working against the Sith and shown the Republic that he was looking to protect them.

This would have also brought the Jedi over to Dooku's side, using the Jedi Order itself as a weapon, which would have made it even more likely that Darth Sidious would have fallen to them. In fact, this plan would have been all the more effective given the Jedi's history with Count Dooku. The Jedi had already proven their willingness to still trust Dooku, as they refused to believe he could be behind Padmé's assassination attempt when she suspected he was.

Interestingly, this would have seen him taking up the torch for Palpatine, presumably playing the same role of the secret Sith in the Senate that Palpatine went on to play. This was nevertheless a terrible plan. It would have taken much more than one conversation and a reference to Obi-Wan's beloved former master to get him to betray the Jedi and the Republic and work in secret as Dooku's Sith apprentice. Even so, it seems quite likely that Count Dooku was hoping Obi-Wan would become his Acolyte.

It seems quite likely that Count Dooku was hoping Obi-Wan would become his Acolyte.

Obi-Wan Rejected Dooku's Offer, & Dooku Became Committed To Sidious' Cause

In the end, Obi-Wan unsurprisingly rejected Count Dooku's offer, remaining committed to the dark side of the Force and the Jedi. At that point, Dooku's allegiance to Palpatine seemed to grow stronger than ever, especially considering how hard he fought for Sidious and the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Unfortunately, it was too little too late, as, in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine had Anakin execute him.

It's possible that, given his impressive wisdom, Palpatine may have even uncovered this attempt by Dooku somehow, which could have contributed to his decision to have his apprentice killed and replaced. Of course, it's more likely that Dooku was always expendable and temporary for Palpatine. Not only had he already proven how swiftly he could replace an apprentice following Darth Maul's death, but also, he clearly always had his sights truly set on Anakin. Even so, this new information in The Acolyte suggests what Count Dooku may have been up to all along.

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