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Parliamentarians to convene for CAADP Post Malabo Consultative Meeting

mbc.mw 2024/9/29

The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), Post Malabo Parliamentarians Consultative Meeting will be held from 3 -5 July, 2024, in Accra, Ghana bringing together key stakeholders to discuss the future of Africa’s agricultural development.

The meeting, organized both virtually and in person, aims to build on the progress and address the challenges highlighted in the 4th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Review report.

Despite the ambitious targets set by the Malabo Commitments and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2.1 and 2.2, the Biennial Review report reveals that the continent has not made consistent strides in ensuring food security and eradicating malnutrition.

With over 237 million people still suffering from hunger and malnutrition, the report underscores the urgent need for renewed advocacy and strategic action from both state and non-state actors.

The African Food Systems Parliamentarian Network (AFSPaN) has been instrumental in this advocacy effort.

By organising national parliamentary retreats in countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, and Malawi, AFSPaN has demonstrated its value in shaping policy and fostering collaboration at both national and continental levels.

As the African Union Commission rolls out the Post Malabo consultations roadmap, parliamentarians are positioned as crucial influencers in shaping government budgets to enhance agricultural productivity.

The upcoming consultative meeting aims to foster peer-to-peer learning among parliamentarians, enabling them to share experiences and strategies that will inform the post-Malabo agenda.

Meeting objectives

The primary goal of the consultative meeting is to enhance parliamentarians’ understanding of CAADP processes and to identify key actions and priorities for the post-Malabo agenda. Specific objectives include:

– Reflecting on the last 20 years of CAADP implementation, with a focus on Biennial Review Reporting, to inform future strategies.
– Allowing parliamentarians to contribute to the post-Malabo agenda.
– Developing a strategy to utilize the 4th Biennial Review report for better policy development and implementation.
– Providing a platform for peer-to-peer learning to develop a roadmap for engaging Members of Parliament in Africa’s Food Systems agenda.

Expected outcomes

The consultative meeting is expected to produce several key outcomes, including:

1. A Parliamentarians Statement on strategies and structures for inclusion in the post-Malabo agenda.
2. A dissemination plan for the 4th Biennial Review Report.
3. A work plan for MPs’ engagement in Africa’s Food Systems agenda.

The consultative meeting represents a significant step towards addressing the challenges and harnessing the opportunities within Africa’s agricultural sector, ensuring a robust and inclusive post-Malabo agenda.

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