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Stephen Harper Calls for Support of Iranian Resistance, Endorses Maryam Rajavi’s Vision for a Free Iran

iranfocus.com 2024/10/5

At the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris on June 29, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered a powerful speech underscoring the Iranian people’s widespread rejection of the regime through a massive boycott of recent sham elections. Harper emphasized the significance of this boycott as a clear signal of the Iranian populace’s demand for the regime’s overthrow, asserting that the clerical government, despite severe repression, cannot deceive the people with its elections or extremist ideology.

Harper criticized Western governments, particularly the current US administration, for their misguided approaches to Tehran. He argued that regime change in Iran is crucial for promoting peace in the Middle East and that supporting the Iranian resistance is the only viable solution. Harper emphasized that toughening sanctions, condemning human rights violations, declaring Iran a state sponsor of terrorism, and closing down its embassies are necessary measures to isolate the regime and support the Iranian people’s aspirations.

He highlighted the strengths of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), noting its deep social roots, capable leadership, and clear principles, which include a commitment to free elections, human rights, gender equality, the separation of religion and state, and a non-nuclear state at peace with the world. Harper praised the NCRI’s vision for Iran’s future, calling it a fully viable alternative to the current regime.

Harper acknowledged the critical role of women in the resistance, emphasizing their bravery and significant contributions. He stated, “Women have been at the forefront of the resistance, demonstrating incredible bravery and resilience in the face of tyranny,” recognizing their essential role in the fight for a free Iran.

He also commended Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point plan, describing it as a comprehensive roadmap for Iran’s future. Harper elaborated, “Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran will extend political, social, and economic equality to women. It will allow all citizens to prosper and thrive in a free market economy. The Ten-Point Plan will ensure the freedom of expression, the freedom of assembly, and guarantee the right of every Iranian to live, to work, to worship, according to the dictates of their conscience in freedom.” He stressed that this vision aligns with universal democratic values and represents the future that the Iranian people desire and deserve.

Harper criticized the appeasement policies of Western capitals, which he argued have only emboldened the regime’s pursuit of nuclear weapons capabilities and aggressive actions. He stated, “The policy of appeasement, and that is exactly what it is in Western capitals, has only made the regime more aggressive and more determined in its pursuit of nuclear weapons capabilities. And as long as that strategy is pursued, that strategy of appeasement, these things will only get worse.”

He argued that the only way to deal with the Iranian regime is by opposing it and supporting the organized Iranian resistance. Harper pointed out that the NCRI is ready to offer a viable alternative through free and open elections, providing a government that adheres to principles of democracy, human rights, and gender equality.

In conclusion, Harper urged the international community to support the Iranian resistance and recognize it as a viable alternative to the current regime. He expressed confidence in the Iranian people’s ability to achieve a free and democratic Iran, stating, “Keep looking forward. Keep looking beyond the oppressors in Tehran today and the appeasers in other capitals who help keep them there. Instead, keep your sights focused on that promising future that you have conceived, that millions in Iran and around the world fervently wish to come into being. You can make it happen.”

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