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Women Must Earn Their Own Money No Matter How Little, Says Oyo NOA Director

Independent 2024/10/6

Raji Adebayo

The Director of the National Orientation Agency (NOA), Oyo State, Dr Olukemi Afolayan has highlighted practical steps on how women can shine amidst economic hardship.

Highlighting these in a day Conference with the theme, How can women shine amidst economic hardship? held at the Senior staff club, University of Ibadan and organised by Stand up for Women Society, Oyo State Branch, a gender advocate group.

Dr Afolayan, who doubles as the guest speaker at the event stressed that in a period of economic hardship characterised by extreme poverty and hunger women are gravely affected, maintaining that the current economic woe is not peculiar to Nigeria alone as other countries too bear the brunts in one way or the other since the global effect of Covid 19.

She stated these practical guide would help women to ensure they shine amidst economic hardship, “Gainful employment and financial independence, irrespective of the amount, can provide security and protection against unforeseen circumstances. There is dignity in labour regardless of its scale.

“Women should take advantage of government-provided skill acquisition and empowerment programmes, often available at minimal or no cost.

“Continuous personal development is crucial. Whether through formal education, vocational training, or starting a business, it’s never too late to enhance your skills and improve your status.

“Joining cooperative societies can help inculcate traditional saving habits, provide access to loans, and enable bulk purchases of foodstuffs at lower costs.

“Avoiding high-interest borrowing from online loan platforms and ‘Shylock’ lenders is essential to avoid financial ruin.
Embracing home gardening, domestic animal rearing, or online businesses can provide additional income streams.

“Dressing modestly and within one’s means and prioritizing self-care and health are vital components of self-preservation. Prioritizing personal happiness and well-being is essential, as it directly contributes to one’s ability to shine in adverse circumstances and focusing on children and providing them with a nurturing environment is paramount, despite the challenging economic situation”.

She reiterated the fact that whatever affects a woman affects her family and society, and for this reason it is very important that women are in good condition to radiate strength and shine for the general well-being of their families, society and even the nation.

The event paraded lots of dignitaries including various women organisations, lawyers and Students.

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