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Discover Instagram's new Friends Map feature to share your location with your followers

tabletzona.es 2024/5/14

The different platforms existing today They are in a constant stage of renewal of their functions. Meta in particular has been improving all its proposals on its various platforms but has been more focused on Instagram. Discover the new Friends Map feature Instagram to share the location with your followers

This important social network is undoubtedly one of the most popular worldwide based mainly on audiovisual content but now it incorporates a novelty. Through the Friends Map you can share your real location at all times. This could help you grow in networks by having greater interaction with followers. Here we tell you everything!

Discover Instagram's new Friends Map feature to share your location with your followers

Instagram has added new functions to its app, all with the aim of making it the most interesting for Internet users. Instagram's Friends Map feature has been in production for a few months with several testing phases. It is expected to be available to everyone starting in November of this year, although at the moment there is no official date for the launch.

This would somewhat imitate Snapchat's functionality called Snap Map. From now on, any user could share their location at any time directly from Instagram without having to use Snapchat. It wouldn't be the first time that Instagram has looked at this application for the deployment of new functionalities.

What is the difference between the Friends Map and the Snap Map?

It is said that these are very similar to each other, although the Friends Map It has extra and Instagram-specific features. The latter have been designed to increase user interaction with the app. Also your IRL connection gives it a greater reach that invites people to join in the fun from your friends at any time.

The Snap Map presents a section for lists of companies that makes it possible for them to find the service they have faster. A feature that cannot be ruled out at all for IG since this would help private businesses in marketing a product. So it would be to their liking and would leave open the possibility of payments to IG.

How is Friends Map expected to work?

This addition will allow any Instagrammer to share their location and other movement details with friends, family and followers. This It helps other people know exactly where you are at all times, simplifying geolocation.

You can deposit quick notes on sites you've recently visited. It would be useful to talk to your followers about new restaurants, events at a specific location or sales without overloading your Instagram feed. Posts containing tags will also be visible on the Friends Map. This would greatly increase the feedback with your community.

Specifically, it does not seem like a marketing strategy but rather it is a good excuse to share more about yourself. It will not be automatic so only the locations that you decide will be broadcast.

Something important to note is that You can customize which followers you want to share your location with, so you can have more control over who sees your information. It contains an option called Ghost Mode with which you can hide your last active location in case you get paranoid. This way everything will be hidden!

Other leaked details

The tool will cause shared information to be disseminated using end-to-end encrypted connection. What is closely related to your privacy which is an essential feature in apps that include geolocation. Anything you choose to share that has a tag will appear on the map.

You can divide your community into two large groups that would be your close friends or the followers you followed back. All of this will be personalized so that it adapts to specific needs. of every circumstance you find yourself in.

The map It is an element to take into account but will not provide specific data with a lot of detail. One thing we can say is that the interface will be relatively clear so you won't have to be an expert to use it.

There are still several aspects to be revealed to know exactly what reception it could have by users. You should definitely stay tuned for the latest news.

All your locations will appear together!


The Friends Map will be linked to other locations that you may have tagged in any post at other times in your account. Just looking at the map you will see all the sites that the people you follow have visited or your followers on your profile. You can stay on top of things and have a list of all your adventures!

But everything has its restrictions of course, Only you decide the people who can monitor you and which others you prefer to leave out. But don't forget that if you want to disappear from the Map you can use the aforementioned Ghost Mode.

Many doubt about How advantageous this new function can be, especially in terms of security.. Without a doubt, your privacy will not be optimal since strangers can know where you are at all times, but since it is in the development phase, everything remains to be seen.

New features to retain users

Friends Map is just a reminder that Instagram can always improve and catch you at any time. This new option appears as a function that will connect you like never before with your friends.

Instagram over the years has seen the need to renew itself to keep its audience as engaged as possible. Coincidentally Friends Map has arrived at the right time to combat criticism about the privacy that Instagram has suffered.

Another option that has been launched recently has been flipside. This has received good reviews from users of the app, by allowing them to share images instantly with their close followers. It allows them to exchange information freely without worrying about other people seeing it.

Tech Crunch has also confirmed that although it is still in testing, it may become something important to watch. This would be another option for those who are dedicated to marketing from real locations.

And that's all! We hope we have been of help to you to have more details about Instagram's new Friends Map feature to share your location with your followers. Let me know in the comments what you thought was the best and if you know more information.

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