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DOTUN SANUSI Set To Join OYO Guber Race

citypeopleonline.com 5 days ago

Will the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ilaji Hotels and Sports Resort, Engr. Dotun Sanusi join the 2027 guber race in Oyo State? Or will he ignore the pressure? That’s the big question on the lips of many lately as the Ibadan-born industrialist is under pressure to run. Though Sanusi has, on several occasions, emphasized the fact that he’s not ready to contest for political office. But despite his warning for his admirers to desist from their subtle campaign for him and not to mistake his philanthropic gestures for political agenda, the pressure has refused to go away.

In fact, several professional and social-cultural groups at different points in time have openly charged Sanusi to join the guber race. He has, however, practically dodged all efforts to drag him into the race. According to him, the most important thing now, according to him, is to focus on his life, business and continuous support to see that both President Bola Tinubu and the governor of Oyo State succeed in piloting affairs of our nation and the state.

Of course, those mounting pressure on Sanusi have their reasons. There are those who feel he’s notably qualified for the job. They see his success story as a businessman and a great philanthropist as what puts him in the best position to run. This school of thought feel Sanusi is the perfect man to take over from Governor Makinde after the expiration of his second term tenure in 2027. Sanusi has been a major employer of labour in Oyo State and arguably the biggest philanthropist whose kind gestures have affected and still affecting his immediate environment. There are over 2,000 employees working across his business interests in hospitality, agriculture, tourism, sports and oil and gas.

So, those clamouring for Sanusi to run feel he has the pedigree, the popularity as well as financial wherewithal to contest an election. Another thing that made some people believed Sanusi may be gearing up for 2027 race was his active role in the last general elections. He supported both Governor Seyi and Tinubu.

He mobilised for President Tinubu, the then presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), with everything within his power in the state. Sanusi engaged virtually all the stakeholders in the state one on one. He hosted members of Odu’a Peoples Congress (OPC); the Agbekoya Solidarity Movement and Landlord Volunteers. He also held meetings with Islamic clerics and Imams led by the Chief Imam of Ibadanland, Sheik AbdulGaniy Agbotomokekere. He has hosted representatives of Christian groups across the 11 local government areas of Ibadanland.

All the Ibadan compound and village heads known as Mogajis and Baales, as well as the highly respected leadership of the Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes (CCII) were mobilised in support of Tinubu. Yet Sanusi insisted that he has no ambition. Speaking in a statement a few months after the election, he said politics is not in his agenda “I am preoccupied with my life, business and continuous support for our President and the Governor of the State for them to succeed in piloting the affairs of our nation and the State.

Our people should know that my involvement in mobilizing supports for the election of our President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the re-election of our amiable Governor, Engr Seyi Makinde was based on their track records of service, outstanding achievements in life and compassionate disposition to all and sundry. I joined the team of other great people to ensure their successes at the polls because they shared my vision in the area of philanthropy, quality service delivery and welfare of our people. Pressures on me to contest the gubernatorial election in our dear State in 2027 is assuming an alarming dimension especially when those we voted in office are just stabilizing to deliver on their campaign manifestos.

Both the President and our Governor have since hit the ground running and their impacts since May 29, 2023 are being felt everywhere across the federation and the 33 local government areas of the State, respectively.

I don’t even have party card of any of the existing political parties, let alone being a partisan entity who can aspire for that office. Our people should allow us to enjoy good governance of our leaders and stop touting 2027 agenda.

My philanthropic contributions should not be mistaken for political agenda because philanthropy is my life and has been part of my upbringing since childhood days. For me, philanthropy is an innate passion to help others to grow and fulfil their potentials. And it is too late in the day for me to stop showing kindness to all manner of people. So I can’t change because it is my calling and ministry. I appreciate everyone for their love but only God knows what would happen tomorrow, let alone in 2027. There is time for everything and we must constantly put our future in the hands of our creator who knows what’s best for us.” Let’s tell you more. Engr. Jubril Dotun Sanusi was born in Elekuro area of Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo State. He started his education at Wesley Primary School, Ibadan. He continued his educational journey at CAC Grammar School, Aperin, Oniyere, Ibadan.

Sanusi proceeded to Department of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Ibadan. There, amidst the hallowed halls of academia, he honed his skills and cultivated a passion for innovation and leadership. He cut his corporate teeth at Halliburton Nigeria Limited and later Agpem Drilling. He distinguished himself as a trailblazer in the field of petroleum engineering, earning accolades for his exceptional skills and visionary leadership. In 2004, Sanusi took a bold step by establishing his first-ever company, TNL Drilling Services (Tasaniola Nigeria Limited), an indigenous oil and gas drilling company which has since grown in leaps and bounds. Today, he has successfully built a business empire which cuts across Education, Hospitality, Sports and Resorts, Agriculture and Oil and Gas just to mention a few of his other businesses.

Dotun Sanusi is 56, having been born sometimes in 1968 to the family of Alhaji Ganiyu Oladosu Sanusi from Oja’ba, Ibadan. This astute industrialist’s contributions to the development of his immediate environment and Oyo State generally is immeasurable. He has singlehandedly transformed Akanran, Ona Ara Local Government where his Ilaji Hotels is located to a mega city. He has totally turned the social-economic fortune of the area around. This is coupled with his latest innovation in the transportation sector in the state. Sanusi recently launched electric buses, electric tricycles, and solar-powered bikes.

-Dare Adeniran

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