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Fading Eyes: My Experience of Losing My Sight as a Writer

writingcooperative.com 3 days ago

🤓 An enlightening journey…

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

I love writing, for me, it’s a form of self-expression. This platform seemed to work well. I had paid sponsorships, and top writer Ayo as a coach, earning over $1000 for some of my articles. Then it happened…

I was writing one day and my eyes couldn’t focus. I could no longer read the words — bits of it became invisible! I sought medical help — a daily eye migraine and a history of glaucoma in the family things weren’t looking good for me.

Bad vision is now my reality. I’ve had to accept this. Although it took a while. I took a long break from writing as I faced up to my new reality of being partially sighted. It’s c**p and I hate it!

I’d never thought I’d be vision impaired but you know what it happened to me — just like that. In a blink of an eye — no pun intended. I stopped doing the two things that I loved most, writing and drawing!

Falling down the unhelpful path of self-sorrow, depression and anxiety. It’s a scary thing to have major blind spots in your vision. This impacts all aspects of life!

You know what it may have taken a year but I bounced back and found some assists that worked for me. I guess that was the first step. Admitting I needed some assistance. I could…

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