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List Of Former Governors EFCC Successfully Prosecuted And Jailed By Court And 13 Under Watch

TheCapital.ng 2024/6/18
List Of Former Governors EFCC Successfully Prosecuted And Jailed By Court

Since its establishment in December 2002, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), only three governors have been jailed, a success many Nigerians long to see the anti-graft agency achieve again.

Ola Olukoyode, the new chairman of the EFCC, appeared to be a game changer in the country’s war against corruption. He has been vocal about his commitment to prosecuting any former governor found in the act.

Soon after resuming office, Olukoyode expressed the anti-graft agency’s readiness to revisit and restart some stalled multi-billionaire corruption cases, particularly against some former governors.

Some former governors have been accused of looting or mismanaging monies huge enough for health care centres, water, electricity, schools, good roads and other basic amenities for the people of their states, particularly those in the rural communities.

However, the prosecutions of the accused governors have either been stalled for political reasons or unnecessary technicalities by the court.

About 13 former governors were accused of stealing billions in their respective states. These former governors are either dragged or charged to court by the EFCC but their cases are yet to come to a logical conclusion.

This has raised concerns among Nigerians, who believe that some of the former governors are strong enough to not be tried by the anti-graft agency.

The 13 former governors whose cases have been stalled and the EFCC is likely to revisit are listed below: ...CONTINUE READING 

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