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I got married to this guy and he wasn’t really doing so well .We both lived together . After sometime,I suggested we travel out of Nigeria together because things are not moving well, we can’t even afford three square meal.We moved to Ghana sponsored by me. On getting there, life became even more tough because cost of living in Accra was so high

whodeybret.com 2 days ago

I got married to this guy and he wasn’t really doing so well .We both lived together . After sometime,I suggested we travel out of Nigeria together because things are not moving well, we can’t even afford three square meal.We moved to Ghana sponsored by me. On getting there, life became even more tough because cost of living in Accra was so high, at some point we moved back to Nigeria, but then we already sold our properties we used in our former house making us to start afresh again.
I’m 3 months pregnant.This man started blaming me that I’m the cause of his downfall that what he is going through that I caused it. This is the man I want the best for and even sponsored our travel with my money.
After everything I paid for our house rent in Owerri so we can atleast start our lives all over there. I sent him the money to rent the house while I squat with my girlfriend.
He finally found a house and the little money he made from the business he did which he promised me that once we rent that house, he will paint the room from the money and buy us atleast a gas cooker to start with, that he has squandered the money and nothing left again.

I’m few months pregnant and I haven’t even started antenatal, all he does is ask me for money for this and for that even when he knows I’m not working. I just finished my NYSC and when I refuse and tell him to work and get the money, he started threatening me that he will go and ask for refund of the money he used in paying for the house rent and use it and start his life.
I told him to send me back the money since he doesn’t want me to move in to the apartment he found, that I will end up being frustrated with pregnancy and homeless too.He told me he doesn’t care that if I’m homeless that’s my business.
This is painful.I don’t know where to start.
I thought marriage is favorable and enjoyable.I never knew some human are wolves in sheep clothing.

I’m homeless now with pregnancy, no hope, no work.I’m frustrated and depressed.Don’t even know where to start cause I have used all my savings to support this man.

Please, what should I do?

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