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Demand Respect, Dignity For Women And Girls In Lagos Metropolis

thebridgenewsng.com 2024/6/17

By Lagoswomen2030

Lagoswomen2030 writes to condemn the total disregard for the right of women and girls to freedom of movement and participation in Lagos state Nigeria. On May 15, 2024 the world celebrated the International day of families, a day set aside to recognise the importance of families in our societies. It is sad to note that a day after, women and girls in the Ikorodu area of Lagos state a suburb with more than 1,093,000 persons comprising both indigenes and non-indigenes, women were restricted from going about their daily businesses while children were instructed to stay at home at a very important period in their educational calendar. We consider this decision a huge set back in this decade and a clog in the wheel of development and violates SDG 4 on education.

It is estimated that 3.7 billion women and girls live in countries with discriminatory laws, according to data from UN Women. Among these are family laws that curtail the fundamental rights of women and girls, including the freedom to travel, pursue employment, exercise agency in marital decisions, inherit land and property, and confer citizenship upon their children.

Nigeria is signatory to regional and international treaties that commit to protecting the human rights of all persons. The African charter on Human and Peoples’ rights on its Article 3 entitles every individual to equal protection by the law; while Articles 4 and 5 entitles every individual to respect of their life and integrity of their person, and prohibits torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. In the same vein, Nigeria committed to Sustainable Goal 11 which specifically speaks about making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, supported by the SDG lofty goal of ‘leaving no one behind’.

At the National level, Chapter 4 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on Fundamental human rights guarantees rights of all citizens irrespective of sex, place of origin, religion or political opinion. It is therefore worrisome to find that women are constantly forced to stay at home during the traditional Oro masquerade in total disregard for their plans and livelihood.

After decades of activism and work by civil society organisations including Lagoswomen2023, to achieve equality for women and girls, it is disheartening that women and girls are still subjected to acts of injustice, restricted from going about their lawful duties and places of work due to cultural dictates that expect women to stay at home for no justifiable reason. We want to put it on record that during the 2023 elections some women reported that they were subjected to abuse and flogging and stopped from exercising their rights to vote. This gross violation of their rights to exercise their franchise is now followed by indiscriminate stay-at-home orders especially in areas such as Ikorodu LGA. There is an on-going external examinations and parents are being put under undue pressure to find places to place their children to be able to write the examinations. We find these acts unacceptable and therefore demand the following:

– A repeal of practices that violate the rights of women and girls thereby violating their rights as contained in the various national regional and international commitments that Nigeria has signed and ratified.

– Consider enacting a law that advocates for reform that fully reflects the country’s constitutional and international commitments to gender equality.

– That the government as a matter of urgency bring to an end all barbaric acts including denial of freedom of movement, all acts of vandalism which take place during the sit-at-home orders, rape and acts of violence often perpetuated by miscreants under the guise of upholding culture.

– An end to celebration of events that deny citizens the right to move freely and engage in activities that contribute to their well-being

– A focus on the protection of the rights and well-being of women and girls in Ikorodu and environs.

May 16, 2024

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