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7 mind-blowing facts about the ocean

theghanareport.com 2 days ago

The ocean is a mysterious place, full of wonders that continue to amaze us.

The ocean is vast, covering more than 70% of our planet’s surface. It’s not just a big body of water; it’s a fascinating world full of amazing creatures, stunning landscapes, and incredible secrets.

The ocean affects our weather, provides us with food, and is home to countless species that we are still discovering today. It plays a vital role in the earth’s ecosystem and has many hidden wonders that are truly mind-blowing.

Here are some of the most astonishing facts about the ocean that will leave you amazed:

The ocean is deep and mysterious [Pinterest]

The ocean is incredibly deep, with the average depth being about 12,100 feet. The deepest part of the ocean is called the Mariana Trench, which is located in the western Pacific Ocean. The Mariana Trench reaches an astounding depth of about 36,000 feet, which is deeper than Mount Everest is tall. This trench is so deep that few explorers have ever reached the bottom, and it remains one of the most mysterious places on Earth.

The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Australia, is the largest living structure on the planet.

The Great Barrier Reef [Pinterest]

It is so big that it can be seen from space. The reef is made up of billions of tiny organisms called coral polyps and spans over 1,400 miles. It is a vibrant ecosystem that supports a wide variety of marine life, including fish, turtles, and sharks.

Despite covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, more than 80% of the ocean remains unexplored and unmapped.

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