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Aurangabad: Police Trace Suspects in Pundliknagar House Burglary Worth ₹11.25 Lakh

freepressjournal.in 3 days ago

The police established separate teams and started the investigation with the help of technical evidence. They managed to trace the suspects and started the investigation on Wednesday.

Aurangabad: Police Trace Suspects in Pundliknagar House Burglary Worth ₹11.25 Lakh | Representative Image

The Pundliknagar police traced three suspects who had burgled the house of a caterer and decorator, who had gone on a pilgrimage with his family members on July 2, making off with valuables and jewelry worth lakhs of rupees. The police established separate teams and started the investigation with the help of technical evidence. They managed to trace the suspects and started the investigation on Wednesday.

The thieves, on the night of July 2, stole jewelry, cash, and valuables worth ₹11.25 lakh from the house of Ashok Tulshiram Shinde (39, Garkheda). He had gone on the pilgrimage on June 22, and his sister was staying in the house. In the wee hours of Monday (July 2), the thieves entered the locked house from the terrace and stole the jewelry, cash, and valuables. A case was registered on Wednesday. The police searched around 50 CCTV cameras in the area and found three thieves in suspicious conditions, stealing the articles.

On receiving the information, ASI Mhaske and his team, along with fingerprint experts and a dog squad, rushed to the spot and inspected the scene. ACP Ranjeet Patil, crime branch PI Sandeep Salunke, Navnath Khade, Amol Shinde, and others also went to the spot. Three police teams were established, and around 50 CCTV cameras in and around the area were searched. The police are now searching for the suspects.

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