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Rs 7 lakh collected from drivers without helmets and seat belts

dailypioneer.com 2 days ago

A comprehensive traffic and road safety meeting was held under the chairmanship of District Magistrate cum Deputy Commissioner Ananya Mittal at the Collectorate Auditorium in Jamshedpur. The meeting saw the participation of Senior Superintendent of Police Kishore Kaushal, DTO Dhananjay, and representatives from the Education Department, NHAI, Traffic DSP, and other relevant departments. The primary focus of the discussion was on controlling road accidents and the effective implementation of road safety measures.

Key Directives and Discussions: Road Safety Workshops: Mittal emphasized the need for organizing workshops on road safety rules for school children and educational institutions. These workshops will cover important topics such as the dangers of driving in the wrong direction, the importance of driving on the left side of the road, the compulsory use of seat belts and helmets, and the proper use of indicators while turning.

Accident Statistics and Black Spots: In May, there were 29 road accidents in the district, resulting in 15 fatalities and 18 serious injuries. The meeting stressed identifying black spots and hazardous curves and making necessary improvements. Strict actions will be taken against violators, including those riding two-wheelers without helmets, overloading, overspeeding, not using seat belts, modifying silencers, and performing stunts.

Urban Traffic Management: The Senior Superintendent of Police instructed the DTO to meet with the Auto Association to establish guidelines for auto drivers, including wearing ID cards and uniforms. Non-permit autos, underage drivers, and those without driving licenses will face strict penalties. Auto drivers were also instructed to pick up passengers only from designated stands to minimize the risk of accidents.

License Suspension and Fines: In May, 114 driving licenses were suspended for violating road safety rules. The vehicle checking campaign resulted in fines totaling around Rs 7 lakh, collected from drivers without helmets and seat belts.

Compensation for Hit and Run Cases: The meeting discussed the provision of Rs 2 lakh compensation for hit-and-run victims. Out of 45 cases, compensation has been paid to the families of 22 victims, with 11 applications pending at the sub-divisional officer level and 7 at the insurance company level. Mittal directed expediting the payment of compensation and ensuring coordination between officials, victims, and insurance companies.

Public Awareness and Safety Message: Mittal issued a message particularly to the youth, urging them to avoid overspeeding and stunts, highlighting the preciousness of life. Parents were advised to ensure that minors do not drive vehicles. Private school managements were also instructed to prevent minors from driving to school.

Honorarium for Good Samaritans: In recognition of their timely assistance to road accident victims, a total honorarium of Rs 9,000 was awarded to Prakash Kumar, Bir Singh Prajapati, Rathu Das, Babulal Tudu, Vishal Mardi, and Tushar Das. The district authorities encouraged residents to help accident victims during the critical golden hour.

The meeting concluded with a call for collective efforts from all stakeholders to enhance road safety and reduce accidents in the district.

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