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Issues after Independence

nation.com.pk 3 days ago

The political system of Pakistan needs to foster national reconcilia-tion and dialogue among the various political and social forces and groups.

The lack of a stable and democratic political system in Paki­stan has serious implications for the country’s internal and external stability and prosperity. The political instability and turmoil in the country have hampered its economic and so­cial development and have increased its vulnerability to in­ternal and external threats. The political system has also failed to address the grievances and demands of the various segments and regions of the country and has alienated and marginalized the people from the state. The political system has also damaged the country’s image and reputation in the international community and has limited its potential and opportunities for coop­eration and integration with regional and global actors.

The possible solutions for the major issues of Pakistan after independence require a comprehensive and holistic approach that involves the following elements:

The political system of Pakistan needs to be reformed and strengthened in accordance with the principles of democracy, federalism, and the rule of law. The constitution and the political institutions need to be revised and amended to ensure the sepa­ration of powers, the checks and balances, and the accountabil­ity and transparency of the state organs. The political system also needs to be more inclusive and representative of the diver­sity and pluralism of the country, and to ensure the protection and participation of minorities and marginalized groups.

The political system of Pakistan needs to establish a civil-mil­itary balance that respects the constitutional and democratic role and authority of the civilian institutions and limits the in­terference and influence of the military in the political affairs of the country. The military also needs to be reformed and pro­fessionalized, and to adopt a more realistic and cooperative ap­proach to the foreign and security policy of the country. The civilian institutions, on the other hand, need to enhance their capacity and credibility and assume their responsibility and leadership in the governance and development of the country.

The political system of Pakistan needs to foster national reconciliation and dialogue among the various political and social forces and groups in the country and to address the historical and contemporary issues and conflicts that have divided and polarized the nation. The political system also needs to promote a culture of tolerance and moderation and to counter the extremism and violence that have plagued the country. The political system also needs to engage and con­sult the people and the civil society in the decision-making and policy-making processes, and to create a sense of owner­ship and belonging among the citizens.

The political system of Pakistan needs to pursue regional and international cooperation that enhances the security and pros­perity of the country, and that contributes to the peace and stabil­ity of the region and the world. The political system also needs to resolve its disputes and differences with its neighbours, especial­ly India, and establish a constructive and cooperative relation­ship based on mutual respect and interest. The political system also needs to diversify and expand its relations and partnerships with the regional and global stakeholders, and to participate ac­tively and positively in the multilateral forums and initiatives.

Pakistan is a country of challenges and opportunities, which will shape its future and destiny in 2024 and beyond. The coun­try has to overcome its challenges and seize its opportuni­ties, with vision, courage, and determination. The country has to pursue its national interests and aspirations, while also ful­filling its regional and global responsibilities and obligations. The country needs to take a comprehensive and inclusive ap­proach, which involves the participation and cooperation of all the stakeholders, including the government, the opposition, the military, the civil society, minorities, and the international com­munity. The country also needs to adopt a long-term and vision­ary perspective, which focuses on the development and welfare of its people, rather than the narrow and short-term interests of its elites. The country has the potential and the resources to overcome these crises if it can harness its strengths and oppor­tunities, and overcome its weaknesses and threats. Pakistan also needs to undertake comprehensive and urgent reforms in its political, economic, and social spheres, such as strengthening its democracy and institutions, diversifying and modernizing its economy, improving its human capital and social services, pro­moting social cohesion and tolerance, and building constructive and peaceful relations with the international community.

Atif Mehmood

The writer is the President of GC Sahiwal Alumni Association and an IT expert.

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