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President Biden surrogates hit Sunday talk shows to try and shore up support

kjrh.com 3 days ago
Nearly 72 hours after the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle, there are growing calls for President Joe Biden to step down from the top of the democratic presidential ticket. (Scripps News)

Fresh off several fundraising events in New York this weekend, President Joe Biden headed to Camp David for a previously-scheduled family gathering: one that is now under enormous scrutiny, after a debate performance the president himself said, "wasn't a great night."

"He answered a few questions in ways that were not the most forceful, but I think side-by-side, Donald Trump had a horrifying debate performance where, yes, he spoke plainly, but what he said was lie after lie after lie," said longtime Biden ally, Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware.

President Biden's surrogates hit Sunday airwaves, trying to shore up support. They saturated the Sunday political talk shows, arguing that voters should look at President Biden's legislative record during his three years in the White House and not 90 minutes of one debate.

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"Joe Biden has earned the respect of Democrats and Joe Biden is going to be our leader going forward," said Democratic Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland, who is considered a rising star in the party.

Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, whose support of President Biden was considered crucial during the 2020 primaries, said he wants him to remain at the top of the ticket.

"If he asked my opinion, I will give it as I always do — and that is very clearly, he should stay in this race," Rep. Clyburn said.

Still, not quieting the chatter among Democrats, over whether he should be replaced on the ballot. This comes as Republicans tried to paint a broader brush on the debate night.

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