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Breakthrough Study: Fasting Diet Outperforms Medication in Treating Type 2 Diabetes

apexlifehub.com 2 days ago

A groundbreaking study has revealed that the popular 5:2 fasting diet is more effective in treating type 2 diabetes than traditional medication. New Research Findings The recent study conducted by researchers at Beijing Hospital have found that individuals with type 2 diabetes who follow the 5:2 diet showed significant improvements in their health outcomes compared to those taking medication. The 5:2 diet, popularized by Dr Michael Mosley, involves consuming a balanced diet for five days and fasting for two days. Comparing Results The study involved approximately 400 participants who were divided into three groups. While one group received metformin and another group received empagliflozin, the third group followed the 5:2 diet. Surprisingly, the results indicated that the participants following the 5:2 diet exhibited better blood glucose levels and lost an average of 9.7kg in weight, which was 4kg more than the other groups. Expert Opinions According to the researchers, the 5:2 diet could serve as an effective initial lifestyle intervention for individuals with type 2 diabetes, potentially replacing the need for antidiabetic drugs. Professor Naveed Sattar from the University of Glasgow emphasized the importance of weight loss in improving glucose levels for diabetes patients. He also raised concerns about the sustainability of such diets in the long term. Conclusion The study's findings highlight the significant benefits of the 5:2 diet in managing type 2 diabetes and shed light on the potential of lifestyle interventions as an alternative to medication. With increasing support from experts and success stories from individuals like Dr Michael Mosley, the 5:2 diet continues to prove its efficacy in promoting better health outcomes for diabetes patients.

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