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Do you prefer reading physical books or e-books, and why?

babypips.com 1 day ago

It got me wondering because I heard my niece in college asking her parents to buy her a particular e-book. Personally, I prefer physical books myself, or perhaps it’s just that the younger generation nowadays tends to prefer e-books?

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I agree with you, but where the option exists, I also buy the e-book. I tend to read books that I buy within a couple of months of buying them, but often make summary notes for future. In the case of e-books, it is handy to be able to text-search words to find a reference quickly.

Some people refuse to read, which is beyond me.

I prefer physical books. I like holding the book, touching the paper, and turning the pages.

I only sometimes get books from the library. Lately, I’ve been buying books so that I can hi-lite them for future reference.

Even if I could hi-lite on an e-reader, looking through the pages would be a pain to me. Books are easier for me.

I feel like there’s just something special with reading a physical book. Like Mondeo and dushimes, I enjoy the smell of it, the feeling of touching and turning the pages. And even just looking at the books lined up on my shelf makes me happy.

This is also me! So yeah, I prefer physical books.

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totally get you! I prefer physical books myself. There’s just something about holding a book and turning the pages that e-books can’t match. I love the feel and smell of a real book.

Absolutely! Physical books are the best.

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