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Why Christians Supporting Donald Trump is Hypocritical

patheos.com 2 days ago

The intersection of politics and religion is a deeply complex and often contentious space. For Christians, the teachings of Jesus Christ and the moral guidelines laid out in the Bible serve as the foundation for their beliefs and actions. Supporting a political leader who embodies values antithetical to these teachings can lead to a significant moral and ethical dilemma. Donald Trump, as a public figure and former President, has been a polarizing individual, particularly within the Christian community. This blog post aims to explore why Christians should not support Donald Trump, arguing that his behavior and policies embody the “seven deadly sins” and violate many of the Ten Commandments, thereby exposing a level of hypocrisy among those Christians who do support him.

The Seven Deadly Sins

The seven deadly sins—pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth—are considered fundamental vices in Christian theology. They are seen as morally corruptive and are to be avoided in the pursuit of a righteous life. Analyzing Donald Trump’s behavior through the lens of these sins provides a clear indication of why his actions are incompatible with Christian values.


Pride, often regarded as the most severe of the seven deadly sins, involves an inflated sense of one’s own importance and abilities. Donald Trump has frequently been criticized for his narcissistic tendencies. His public persona is marked by a constant need for praise and validation, often at the expense of humility and self-awareness. In Christian teaching, humility is a virtue, and pride is a vice that distances individuals from God. Trump’s prideful behavior, therefore, stands in stark contrast to the humility encouraged by Christian doctrine.


Greed, or the excessive desire for wealth and material gain, is another sin that has been prominently associated with Trump. His career as a businessman and his actions as President often prioritized financial gain over ethical considerations. Policies that favored the wealthy, coupled with numerous allegations of unethical business practices, paint a picture of a man driven by greed. Christians are taught to value generosity and to help those in need, making support for a leader who embodies greed particularly troubling.


Wrath, or uncontrolled anger, is a destructive force that can lead to hatred and violence. Trump’s rhetoric has frequently been marked by anger, divisiveness, and an us-versus-them mentality. His inflammatory language towards immigrants, political opponents, and various minority groups has fueled division and conflict within the country. The teachings of Jesus emphasize love, forgiveness, and peacemaking, all of which are undermined by Trump’s wrathful approach to leadership.


Envy involves a resentful desire for what others have, whether it be their success, possessions, or qualities. Trump has often displayed envy towards those he perceives as more successful or respected than himself. His public feuds with celebrities, politicians, and even members of his own party reveal a man consumed by envy. Christian teachings encourage contentment and gratitude, values that are fundamentally opposed to the envy exhibited by Trump.


Lust, or an intense and uncontrolled desire, particularly of a sexual nature, has been a recurring theme in Trump’s public life. His history includes multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and infidelity, as well as a cavalier attitude towards women. This behavior is antithetical to the Christian values of chastity, fidelity, and respect for others’ dignity.


Gluttony, the overindulgence and overconsumption to the point of waste, can be seen in Trump’s excessive lifestyle and disregard for moderation. His penchant for luxury and excess is well-documented, often celebrated as part of his brand. Christians are taught to practice temperance and to be mindful of the resources they consume, principles that are starkly contrasted by Trump’s gluttonous lifestyle.


Sloth, or the avoidance of physical or spiritual work, can be interpreted as a lack of diligence and responsibility. While Trump is undoubtedly active in his endeavors, his approach to governance often showed a disregard for the hard work and careful consideration required to lead effectively. His frequent golfing trips and apparent disinterest in the daily responsibilities of the presidency can be seen as a form of sloth, particularly when contrasted with the diligent and service-oriented leadership expected in Christian teachings.

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments provide a clear ethical framework for Christians. Trump’s actions and policies frequently violate these commandments, raising serious questions about how Christians can reconcile their support for him with their faith.

  1. “You shall have no other gods before me.”

Trump’s emphasis on wealth, power, and self-glorification can be seen as placing other “gods” before the God of Christianity. His behavior often suggests that he values these worldly pursuits more than spiritual integrity.

  1. “You shall not make for yourself a graven image.”

While this commandment traditionally refers to idolatry, it can also be interpreted as a warning against self-idolatry. Trump’s self-promotion and cult of personality arguably turn him into a graven image, one that many of his supporters venerate in ways that border on idolatry.

  1. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”

Trump’s occasional use of religious language often appears insincere and politically motivated, which can be seen as taking the Lord’s name in vain. His actions rarely align with the reverence and respect for God’s name that this commandment demands.

  1. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

There is little public evidence to suggest that Trump observes the Sabbath or engages in regular worship. His lifestyle and public persona do not reflect the observance of a day dedicated to rest and spiritual reflection.

  1. “Honor your father and your mother.”

While there is no public indication of how Trump honors his parents, his general demeanor and disrespect towards others suggest a broader pattern of dishonoring those who deserve respect and reverence.

  1. “You shall not kill.”

Though not directly implicated in killing, Trump’s rhetoric has often incited violence and division. His policies on immigration and law enforcement have also led to situations where lives were endangered or lost, raising ethical concerns from a Christian perspective.

  1. “You shall not commit adultery.”

Trump’s history of infidelity and numerous allegations of sexual misconduct directly violate this commandment. His behavior undermines the sanctity of marriage and the moral integrity expected of Christian leaders.

  1. “You shall not steal.”

Trump has faced numerous accusations of financial improprieties, including fraud and embezzlement. These actions, if true, are clear violations of the commandment against stealing.

  1. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

Trump’s frequent false statements and misleading claims are well-documented. Bearing false witness, or lying, is a serious ethical breach in Christian teachings, yet it is a hallmark of Trump’s communication style.

  1. “You shall not covet.”

Trump’s envy and desire for what others have, whether it be political power, wealth, or public admiration, violate the commandment against coveting. His actions often reflect a deep-seated desire for more, regardless of the moral cost.

The Hypocrisy of Christian Support for Trump

Given the ways in which Donald Trump’s behavior embodies the seven deadly sins and violates many of the Ten Commandments, Christian support for him raises significant questions of hypocrisy. Supporting a leader who acts in ways fundamentally opposed to Christian teachings undermines the integrity of the faith and its moral guidelines.

Selective Morality

One of the key issues is selective morality. Many Christians who support Trump may focus on specific policies or promises he has made, such as his stance on abortion or religious freedom, while overlooking or excusing his personal behavior and other policies that are inconsistent with Christian ethics. This selective approach to morality compromises the holistic nature of Christian teachings, which call for consistent ethical behavior across all areas of life.

Political Idolatry

The fervent support for Trump among some Christians can also be seen as a form of political idolatry. Elevating a political leader to a near-sacred status and defending their actions regardless of ethical breaches reflects a misplaced loyalty that should be reserved for God alone. This idolatry distorts the true purpose of Christian faith and diverts attention from spiritual growth and moral integrity.

Compromise of Witness

The support of Christians for a leader whose actions so clearly contradict Christian values compromises their witness to the broader world. Non-believers and those outside the faith community observe these contradictions and may question the sincerity and authenticity of Christian ethics. This undermines the ability of Christians to effectively share their faith and moral convictions.

The Call to Integrity

Christianity calls for a life of integrity, where beliefs and actions align. Supporting a leader like Trump, whose behavior is antithetical to core Christian teachings, challenges this call to integrity. Christians are encouraged to reflect on their values and ensure that their political choices do not compromise their faith’s ethical and moral standards.


The analysis of Donald Trump’s behavior through the lens of the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments reveals significant ethical and moral concerns for Christians. His actions often embody pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth, while violating many of the fundamental commandments that guide Christian behavior. Supporting such a leader not only contradicts Christian values but also exposes a level of hypocrisy that undermines the integrity of the faith.

Christians are called to a higher standard of moral and ethical behavior, one that should be reflected in their political choices. By critically examining the alignment between their faith and their support for political leaders, Christians can ensure that they remain true to their values and effectively witness to the broader world. In the case of Donald Trump, this reflection should lead to a reevaluation of support, prioritizing the teachings of Jesus and the moral guidelines of the Bible over partisan loyalty.

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