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Transitioning From Entrepreneur: Questions To Ask When Selling Your Business

Forbes 1 day ago

Bruce Werner specializes in governance, strategy, finance and M&A. Author & Experienced Outside Director. Kona Advisors LLC.

It is not uncommon to read about an entrepreneur who sells a business while still in their 30s or 40s and what they do next. Those of us who grew up during the early days of Silicon Valley often read such stories in the newspapers of the day.

What an entrepreneur does next, however, may be somewhat determined by their net proceeds. Being the managing director of a company that provides strategic advisory to business owners, my view is that there are tiers of wealth, and each tier provides different opportunities and risks.

For example, with less than $10 million in the bank, someone can still live well and have financial security, but they'll need to be careful about their decisions. Knowing the 3% rule, they could potentially spend $300,000 to $400,000 per year without other income if they have a well-diversified portfolio and watch their spending. For sellers who net $10 million to $25 million, they can certainly live well and enjoy financial security. They might have a few houses, a few nice cars, some art and travel well, but they may have difficulty buying trophy estates and museum-worthy art collections. Above this level, it becomes more about what you want to do because you can do many things. What an entrepreneur does next will become more about personality, time and health than money.

In a recent situation, I helped a tech entrepreneur monetize part of her business, while she retained the other parts. She had young children, and her motivation to sell was to be able to spend time with her kids while they were young; she knew she could always make more money later.

Early on in the selling process, she was unclear how to get where she wanted to go. We spent a few months figuring out the “keep/sell” decision, given her particulars. One revenue stream would trade at a higher multiple than the other. She did not want to take a hit on the stronger business by tacking on the other business, but buyers were really looking at the whole package. So, we had to split it up and find different pools of buyers. We ran a competitive process and achieved an outcome that exceeded her original expectations.

After the dust settled, her view of life changed. She lost motivation since it wasn’t about the money anymore, but she hated to see opportunity go to waste. The business she retained was smaller and not as dynamic on a standalone basis. Frankly, it just wasn’t as fun anymore. She knew that if it wasn’t fun, she wouldn’t engage. So, we spent more time talking about motivations, what was exciting, and how we should recraft her professional life for the next chapter.

After a long discussion, I told her she really had four assets to work with: time, money, ideas and relationships. What is the best way to use these assets to live the best life she could? Once she was honest with herself, she announced that she just didn’t want to be a classic CEO anymore. She could do it; she could always dig deep and make sure the budget was met, but that was not where her head was at.

As we worked on the problem, she kept mentioning people she had met and ideas being kicked around. We all knew that AI would upend her industry, and she was on the front end of that change. She had relationships with CEOs and CFOs of large public companies, who were desperate for these types of solutions but couldn’t get them done internally.

So, I suggested a change in view. Instead of trying to be the CEO, she could view herself as a portfolio manager. Instead of focusing on one business, she could diversify her interests and excitement by trying to start a few businesses. She didn’t need to run them. If she could find a CEO she trusted and an idea worth pursuing, she could seed it with enough capital to test the idea. If the idea proved worthy, we would then raise outside funding to drive meaningful growth.

This changed everything. It meant that a regular office schedule wasn’t important; she would not need to manage many direct reports, especially mid-tier staff, and she could leverage her vast set of relationships to stay on the leading edge. The deal allowed her to change how she viewed herself, which allowed her to take her life in a direction that suited her.

For entrepreneurs in a similar situation, it's important to ask yourself a few key questions before selling your business to determine what your next step should be.

1. Financial security: Will the sale provide lifetime financial security? What is the margin of safety? If you are not working with a financial planner, consider engaging one to run a Monte Carlo analysis, which can help provide detailed answers to these questions. If you don't have the margin of safety needed, how much more do you need to grow your business to get there, and how do you do it? You only sell your business once, so you need to get this right.

2. Time allocation: If your plan is to sell your business and transition out over time, then what are you going to do? You likely need to fill 50 to 60 hours per week with new activities. Picking up new hobbies can be harder than you think, and if you have a spouse, they might have a full day already.

3. Personal fulfillment: What makes you happy? Having time and money is a privilege, but that does not ensure happiness. Too much time and money can also be a path to disaster. Give yourself enough time to make sure your new life is one you really want.

If my client had not stepped back to ask herself these few hard questions, she would have defaulted to being a classic CEO and not getting the time with her kids that she wanted. It wasn’t about the money; it was about living a better life for her.

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