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Kwara’s Customs Area Command Rakes In N10.02n In Six Months

Independent 2 days ago

ABUJA – The Area Comptrol­ler, Nigeria Cus­toms Service, NSC, Kwara State Area Command, Faith Matthew Ojaifo, has underscored the seriousness with which he wishes to pursue his duties declaring N10.02 billion rev­enue made by his command between January and May.

The state area command of NSC made this declara­tion in Ilorin on Thurs­day as part of three part event of giving a half year update on his activities since resumption on duty in February as 4th Comp­troller of the command, give an update of revenue remittances to the Federal Government and report on its social corporate respon­sibility, CSR.

Giving further break­down on the revenue remit­tance under his command, Ojeifo explained that from January-May, 2024 the Cus­toms area command collect­ed and remitted a total sum of N10, 027, 580,694.63.

Based on year on year, YoY, comparison with year 2023, the command surpassed what was col­lected same period by N2,885,779,644.03.

“This represents a 40.41% increment,” he said.

Delving into command’s activities in the period un­der review, the custom’s area command boss said he had to rejig his mode of operation which led to 21 seizures of different pro­hibited items.

These include 507 Bags of foreign Rice, One Unit of used vehicles, 1,055 piec­es of used tyres, 164 Jeri cans of PMS of 25 liters each (4,100 liters). The total Duty Paid Value for these items are N35, 416,140,000.

Speaking on its CSR, the Customs officers explained that after Kwara State gov­ernment through its com­missioners approached the service on assistance on social palliatives, NCS deemed it fit to offer reliefs.

“I am honored to stand before you today to pres­ent these relief materials on behalf of Comptroller General of Customs Bashir Adewale Adeniyi MFR to the Kwara State Ministry of Social Development.

“The items we are do­nating today are cartons of Indomie noodles, spaghetti, sugar, toilet paper, Semoli­na, Cartons of tin and sa­chets of milk all aimed at providing relief, comfort, support, and hope to those who have been affected by specific crises or challeng­es.

“We are aware that the ministry is not a revenue generating ministry and only benefits from monthly allocations from the Kwara State Government and that is why we are recognizing the tireless efforts of the ministry in serving the less privileged, the vulnerable and the disabled in the so­ciety,” Ojeifo said.

The area command also empowered members of the Customs Officers Wives As­sociations.

“We recognise that wom­en are the pillars of our families, our communities, and our economies. They are the ones who nurture, educate, and inspire future generations,” he said.

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