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10 Best Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Covers

screenrant.com 2024/10/7
Edward Elric determinedly pulling his gloves on with Alphonse Elric behind him on a Fullmetal Alchemist manga cover.

Warning: Contains spoilers for Fullmetal Alchemist.


  • Fullmetal Alchemist is a classic series with unique powers, characters, and social/political commentary.
  • The manga covers are visually captivating, hinting at important plot points and themes.
  • The series explores themes of sacrifice, love, humanity, and the consequences of power through its artwork.

Fullmetal Alchemist, written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa, is an exalted 2000s classic series that fans reference and rewatch today. Filled with unique powers, three-dimensional characters, thrilling battles, and apt social and political commentary, the manga and anime have solidified their top spot in the action, adventure, and drama genres.

Arakawa creates a great story through both dialogue and art direction. Matching the narrative’s fantastical nature, dark shading, vibrant maneuvering, and detailed figures draw readers in to dissect the references and visual thematic devices. These manga covers are instantly recognizable and summon shōnen lovers to enjoy an iconic story of sacrifice, love, and humanity.

Promotional art for Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood anime show the Elric Brothers getting ready for battle while the shows cast of heroes and villains are organized behind them.
10 Best Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episodes of All Time, Ranked

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is one of the most iconic anime of all time, and here are the 10 episodes that rank as its absolute best.

10 The Shadows at a Crossroads

Volume 24

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 24 Cover

Volume 24 features Fu, Greed, Ling Yao, and Lan Fan with serious expressions backing King Bradley, who stands tranquil yet ready for battle. The cover art is colored in cool-toned blues, contrasting black, and a gray haze. The readers’ focus may easily pass background details at first, but on further inspection, it portrays a gruesome scene hinting at important plot points. Although the center figure seems calm, the cover is cool and emotive as it ramps up to the series' conclusion.

As conflict progresses in the story, lines between characters and personal vendettas become crossed. The series greatly portrays how merging characters, motivations, and goals overlaps with societal structures and the forces that protect people from unseen shadows.

9 Blurred Lines and Revelations

Volume 12

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 12 Cover

This cover stands out from the rest with its light green coloring and busy nature, as characters and elements overlap in both fore and background. Volume 12 depicts Ling Yao holding an injured Lan Fan, with Winry and Scar to the sides. The lines of right and wrong are blurred as ‘sanctuary’ is lined with a sword and gun, and ‘ally’ and ‘enemy’ are redefined as readers learn more of the characters' true natures.

The Elric brothers and Prince Ling continue clashing with homunculus foes in Fullmetal Alchemist's rightfully-celebrated fights. Simultaneously, the political scape begins to crumble with shocking revelations and internal clashes. This cover is an implicit nod to the story's themes of convoluted history, understandable origins of hatred, painful sacrifice, and the lengths one will go to protect those they love.

8 A Pillar of Strength in the Tundra

Volume 17

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 17 Cover

Standing tall and fearsome as Fort Briggs, Olivier Armstrong and some subordinates take center stage on volume 17’s cover. Relaxed on her throne, Olivier’s figure is colored with the state alchemist’s iconic blue uniform as the wind passes through her hair. The background is otherwise illustrated with a monochromatic palette of whites and grays, matching the tundra scape they fortify.

Giving the other Armstrong sibling a spotlight not only fits with her growing integration into the plot but also an overarching theme of the entire series. A positive note of Fullmetal Alchemist is its depiction of women, with important figures in positions of power, opposition, and influence. While she plays a comedic role at points, Olivier is also force to reckon with.

7 Memories of Regret

Volume 15

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 15 Cover

Three beloved military members sit on the cover of volume 15. Readers see a desert scene with the solemn Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, and Maes Hughes huddled together on a rock. Even without fully seeing two faces, fans are clued into the regret and sorrow the soldiers feel after reflecting on the role they played in death and destruction.

This series is exalted for its social and political commentary, portraying multifaceted motivations and clashing between duty and morals. Mustang, Hawkeye, and Hughes each show moments of remorse when discussing the Ishval Civil War, which ultimately leads them to question their positions in the military system and uncover hidden truths. For such a humorous and exciting anime, Fullmetal Alchemist masterfully depicts the destruction of imperialism and the fallout of hunger for power.

6 Admissions and Merging

Volume 14

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 14 Cover

Volume 14 neatly combines characters and story elements into one another on its cover illustration. Author and illustrator Hiromu Arakawa seems to favor a cooler-toned color palette for the majority of the manga covers, and this one is no different. The hues match the melancholy interlaced throughout the narrative as well as the physical elements of metal and dark alchemy utilized by numerous personas.

This cover clues readers into the imminent drama about to take place, as the Elric brothers confront a familiar face from their past. At the same time, Ling and Greed evolve into something new, creating an interesting dynamic. The art depicts characters on the edge of action or looming over, keeping readers tuned in for its next exciting and shocking revelation.

5 An Empty Shell

Volume 21

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 21 Cover

Volume 21 appears sinister and foreboding with dark shadows and a tense atmosphere covering the page. Alphonse Elric is a soft-hearted and caring character, which ironically opposes his daunting armored figure which is seen for the majority of the story. This illustration furthers that menacing and conflicted image as he marches toward the reader, while frightening figures smile through the trees in the background.

Alphonse is not only a beloved, sweet deuteragonist but an interesting persona depicting a distinct struggle. His shared trauma with his brother connects their goals and life outlook, but the fallout of attempting human transmutation he experiences is arguably more distressing. While endeavoring to return their bodies to normal, Alphonse represents a unique vulnerability that fans can’t help but sympathize with.

4 Battered but Not Broken

Volume 27

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 27 Cover

Edward stands bloody, with his automail barely hanging on for the manga’s final cover. Alphonse’s armor helmet sits peacefully in his arms, as an open Gate of Truth sits behind them. Although the image appears distressing at first look, the bright coloring, lighting, and character expressions clue readers into a more hopeful and soothing scene for the series' conclusion.

The Elric brothers have fought tirelessly through wicked foes and their own dark past to achieve peace. This final illustration encapsulates their positive demeanor despite their struggles, and fans mirror their happiness and relief. The two are a wonderful pair to follow as they show the true nature of sacrifice, family, and the meaning of being ‘human’.

3 Danger in Unlikely Places

Volume 18

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 18 Cover

Volume 18 depicts dark shadows curving overhead, leading from one man to a chilling figure in the background. Edward and Alphonse take center stage, tense and ready to fight. The protagonist’s red cape matches the arching swoop across the page that stands apart from the blues, black, and purples. With this cover and others, Arakawa illustrates images with intriguing movement and appealing colors, creating a tangible atmosphere for readers.

Whether through visuals or written description, dark forces consistently loom over the Elirc brothers in the physical world and the in-between. This 2000s manga steadily introduces and expands upon this idea, showing how long-standing structures with shady origins make way for new hostilities.

2 The Truth

Volume 25

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 25 Cover

As the series nears a close, volume 25 highlights one of the major schemes seen throughout the story. Half of Alphonse’s armor is in view to the left, with his frail human figure standing behind and in front of the Gate of Truth. The scene is majorly empty, seeming almost sterile in the bright expanse. This cover metaphorically connects the deuteragonist's lived experience, with his metal and flesh body so close yet kept apart, as he weighs the needed sacrifice to retrieve normalcy.

The topic of surrender is played through many characters in the manga. While emphasizing the Elric brothers, the debate between power and humility, godliness and humanity is masterfully explicated through their mental, emotional, and physical anguish. Alphonse’s long-awaited goal becomes within reach, but good things can come with consequences.

1 Diving into the Demon's Lair

Volume 13

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 13 Cover

Metalwork and chains surround the protagonist on the foreboding cover of volume 13. Edward appears tense under his crimson cloak, standing behind as ‘Father’ branches off and reaches out to the edge of the page. The illustration is filled with monochromatic copper tones, drawing readers’ eyes to the overwhelming mass void in the center.

Despite the early 2000s drawing style, which consists of simple linework and block shading, Author and illustrator Hiromu Arakawa manages to invoke a sense of dread and worry in the readers with the eerie antagonists and mysterious settings. As Prince Ling and Ed literally dive into the belly of the beast, readers receive a coolly composed cover for the series’ halfway point.

Fullmetal Alchemist Franchise Poster
Fullmetal Alchemist
Created by
Hiromu Arakawa
TV Show(s)
Fullmetal Alchemist , Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Edward Elric , Alphonse Elric , Roy Mustang , Winry Rockbell , Maes Hughes , Riza Hawkeye , Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist) , Ling Yao , Lan Fan , May Chang , King Bradley , Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist) , Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist) , Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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