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Islamic Revolution Victory Opened New Chapter on Issue of Palestine: Cleric

iqna.ir 4 days ago

IQNA – The president of Al-Mustafa International University described the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran as a turning point when it come of the issue of Palestine.

Hojat-ol-Islam Ali Abbasi

Hojat-ol-Islam Ali Abbasi addressed the closing ceremony of an international conference on “75 Years of Occupation in Palestine”, held in the holy city of Qom earlier this week. 

He said the conference features the top issue in the Muslim world and one of humanity’s main and most challenging issues.

Highlighting the history of occupation of Palestine by the Israeli regime, he noted that the Zionist regime has for decades tried to distort facts about developments in Palestine.

He said the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran opened a new chapter regarding the issue of Palestine as a great development took place in the resistance against the Zionist regime.

Since then, the confrontation with the criminal regime has taken new dimensions day after day, he said.

He also referred to the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation carried out by Palestinian resistance fighters against Israel on October 7, 2023, and said the Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip since then shed light on the historical injustice against Palestine and that is why a justice-seeking front has been shaped in the world today in support of Palestine.

More than 300 papers in 6 languages had been submitted to the conference.

This conference sought to offer an accurate analysis of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation and its outcomes, especially the shattering of the Zionist regime’s hegemony.

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