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Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 5, 2024

yourtango.com 2024/10/5

We are part of it all, in our own way.

Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 5, 2024
Pexels from pixabay, Chikovnaya, Harmonia Green | Canva Pro

Friday, July 5, marks a new day for many of us here. Because of one exciting astrological transit, the Mars-Saturn alignment, we will find that our loneliness will come to an end. It may even feel like an abrupt ending, but it only feels that way because we've worked so hard to deal with it.

Through the planets Mars and Saturn, we find that the universe has been listening to our pleas for peace in the heart and a feeling of oneness with others. Three zodiac signs are plagued with loneliness. We may just find that Mars's energy inspires us in ways that literally take us away from ourselves.

What this really means is that on July 5, we will summon up the courage to perceive ourselves as 'more' than just 'lonely people.' We are part of it all in our way. We are no longer content to live up to some kind of ideal that identifies us as 'lonely' as we are ready to become more social, more available, less lonesome, and less vulnerable.

There's no longer reason to feel lonely for three zodiac signs starting July 5, 2024.

1. Cancer

Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 5, 2024
Sabelskaya, Backgroundstore | Canva Pro

Loneliness ends for you on Friday, Cancer, and so much of the reason why is that you have started to know your loneliness as something you cling to for support rather than relinquish to function properly. You are now starting to understand that you are so much greater than you give yourself credit for. On July 5, you'll feel that loneliness may be a thing of the past.

Where you once looked to others to fill the void that became the loneliness you came to know 'and trust,' you now see that you are enough. You are your own best friend and trusted confidant. During the Mars-Saturn transit of the day, you'll find peace in the idea that this is possible and real.

You are no longer content to look to others to fill the void when you know perfectly well that what you seek is what you already have, meaning self-love and self-acceptance. You have friends, family, and people who love you, but if you don't love yourself, you'll always put loneliness on a pedestal. That is where July 5 changes everything: Cancer. Loneliness is gone!

2. Leo

Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 5, 2024
Sabelskaya, Backgroundstore | Canva Pro

Because you are so loving, you sometimes think that everyone is open to your 'brand' of friendliness. So when you aren't as readily accepted as you thought you might be, you shrink back and wonder what went wrong. On July 5, you'll see that the loneliness you feel is about to dissipate into thin air as you recognize that it's more about timing than it is about being rejected.

You are so outgoing and gregarious that you tend to think others are ready to allow this kind of friendliness into their lives. During this Mars-Saturn alignment, you will understand that people come with boundaries and that you sometimes overstep the line.

All this comes from your need to be loving and honest, but not everyone is as open as you, and this is a great lesson for you to learn. It's also the lesson that helps set you free, as what brings about loneliness in you is an expectation. You expect a certain reaction. And, when you don't get it, you feel lonely and dejected. July 5 allows you to see the whole picture, and in seeing it, you can give yourself a break. No more lonely feelings for you, Leo.

3. Capricorn

Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 5, 2024
Sabelskaya, Backgroundstore | Canva Pro

There's always been a piece of your heart that feels as though it's either missing or eternally representing some kind of loneliness, and what's happened over the years, you've gotten used to this feeling. You might not even know why you feel so lonely at times or what caused such emotion to rule your life, but one thing is for sure: on July 5, all that will end.

Loneliness comes to a halt during the Mars-Saturn transit, as it jogs your memory and lets you know that the reason you've held so tightly to the feelings of loneliness is now somewhat irrelevant. You've been working an old program, as they say, Capricorn, and it takes that good, strong Mars energy to snap you out of it. And it works.

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You've noticed that feeling lonely is no longer a place you wish to dwell in. You've started catching on to the idea that life is too short to spend any time in sadness. Friday, July 5, begins a new way of thinking for you, and it comes with self-confidence and trust in the process. Life is a journey; you won't make loneliness your constant companion.

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