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“I Want A Do-Over”: 6 Ways To Still Make 2024 Your Year

blackdoctor.org 2 days ago


Let’s face it, 2024 has been kind of messed up so far. I mean, we’ve lost some great folks already: Carl Weathers, Louis Gossett Jr., Dexter Scott King, Bill Cobbs, Willie Mays, and Mandisa just to name a few.

Not to mention the challenges we’ve had to face in our personal lives.

Anyway, it’s not our nature (well, not mine at least) to dwell on the dark side. We’ve got to lift ourselves up and keep pushing even harder now to make 2024 better and finish off strong (Can you feel my black fist in the air?)!

Here are six ways we can all bounce back and make the second half of 2024 even better:

1. Write It Down.

Whatever it is you want to happen, physically write it down. No, seriously. Go old school, grab some pen and paper, and write that stuff down.

Studies have shown time and time again, that people who write down their goals are 30-40 percent more likely to accomplish them. Plus, writing it down doesn’t hurt. It makes it real!

2. Be A Blessing.

I know, I know…I don’t want to get all “churchy” on you, but this year the world needs a few more people to be a blessing to somebody (can I get an “amen!”).

Do something nice for a stranger for no reason at all — just because! You’ll feel great for doing it. It most likely will lift your spirits when you see how happy he/she is all because you decided to step up and show up.

3. Put Your Phone Down.

(*Singing Erykah Badu’s “Put Your Phone Down”*). Start living a real life!!! With so many people attached to their phones, attached to the news, and attached to people who don’t matter, it can weigh heavy on you mentally and physically.

For the majority of the United States, summertime means warmer, nicer weather, so get outside and do something outside without taking pictures or checking your phone every 10 minutes (yeah, I said it)! You’ll find out so much stuff about yourself and who you are with when you don’t have your phone on.

4. Meet Your Anger.

If you are angry, at white people, go and meet them, and say hi (for real). If you’re angry at Black people, go meet some and say hello. Be genuine and open.

It sounds silly, but the constant theme in many of the shootings we hear about today is fear: fear of the unknown. The shooter fears for his life so he’s going to shoot first so nobody can harm him. The oppressed are going to shoot first because they fear for their family and others like them. Disarm that fear with knowledge of the other. Show them we are different. Show them YOU are different. Be the light in all this darkness.

5. Be A Warrior Instead Of A Worrier.

There are so many things we can worry about. If you were to watch the news for one week straight, you’d feel depressed too! But in actuality, there are only so many things within our control. So be a warrior instead of a worrier. Warriors concentrate on what’s needed.

6. Travel.

Go somewhere and get out of your comfort zone. Point blank, period! Nothing makes your year better than to get a fresh look at the world we live in not from just your side of the world, but from other people’s eyes. Is there a place you always wanted to see? This is your year to do it. Save, plan, and go!

Look, 2024 may have started off kind of rocky (let’s be honest, mountain-sized rocky) but that doesn’t mean it has to end that way 😉

*Raise Your Glasses* Here’s to a successful, beautiful, fun-loving second half of the year!

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